Yes, I got a new ride.

Yep, it's pretty awesome.

Lately, I've been trying to see things in different ways, view from new perspectives, be more creative. You can take a snapshot of your car sitting in the driveway, and that's probably not very interesting.

But if you get in close, you might be surprised at how different things can look. Like art.

Imagine if this was some kind of old, classic car. You could get really cool shots of its vintage features.

Do you have any special items that have been handed down in your family? Like an old rocking chair from your grandma...an old bike from your dad... Those would be fun to photograph. And it would be art that was meaningful to your family. Not just something you picked up from Target.

Get in close, set your camera to AV mode and choose the smallest number. The smallest number is your largest aperture, letting in the most light and blurring the background.

Don't forget...no flash!

You can see this is obviously some type of vehicle, but I love taking photos so close that you can't really tell what it is.

Can you see me in the reflection? :-)

Get inspired! Be creative! Have fun! :-)
And have a great weekend!
Edit: You might notice that in this post (and all previous posts), my pictures are shoved up against the left margin. That's because when I got my new blog layout, it accomodates larger pictures. I'm sure it's bothering you as much as it's bothering me. ;-)
Cool idea! I'll have to try it sometime.
Nice ride, by the way. Looks so clean!! :D
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