It just wouldn't be a photo shoot without some squinting and nostril flaring, now would it?

Soooo much better. I love this one!

I thought it was only fair to include a shot of what 90% of my pictures looked like this afternoon.

This is definitely a favorite.

Can you believe I found this adorable red rocking chair today for two dollars?!! Two! One of my neighbors was having a garage sale, so I drove by, leaned my head out the window and asked how much he was asking for the chair. You could have heard my tires screech all the way to Omaha when he told me two dollars. I probably would have paid twenty. I'm not a garage saler.
Maybe I should be.

Our photo shoot ran like clockwork today. I had Drew on chair, lollipop and drool duty, and Collin was responsible for book reading and shoe and bucket duty. (Those are all self-explanatory, right)?

This is the face a baby might make when her older brother is told to do something, ANYTHING to make her smile...and he

The lighting was glorious today. My kids were awesome, and I'm so glad to have captured these beautiful memories of my baby.

The look on her face in the second last one made me laugh out loud!!
I love the one of her in the bucket, too.
Two dollars?!?? Great snag!
I can just see you whipping that car around to purchase that little red chair::))
I LIKE the squinting/nostril flaring one. Looks like she's thinking, "You're crazy, Mom."
Livia is going to have more baby pictures than any other 3rd child in the world!! ;)
Awww...she's adorable!!! Great captures! Great find on the chair you are going to turn into a regular junker!!!
That rocking chair is a steal!!
Lovely photos:)
I am crazy about these pictures--love em! and wow, the $2 chair worked perfectly. Hugs to that little sweet pea, she is a doll! :)
Livia is a cutie pie! I can't believe you got the rocking chair for $2. I will have to start calling you the bargain diva.
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