
sweet shot tuesday

I think this just might be my favorite shot of the week. I've really started getting excited about macro photography, and even though I don't have a dedicated macro lens, I still try! :-)


Check out more "sweet shots" at my 3 boybarians.

Sweet Shot Day

For Sweet Shot Tuesday, you're only supposed to post one shot. These actually are all the same shot. I just got a little carried away with the cropping. ;-)




Natalie said...


There's always pb&j, right? :-)

Ashley Sisk said...

Art project? I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Waaaaaaaay more fun than cooking!

Anna said...

*gasp* These are SO COOL!! They'd make perfect wall art...so, so fun.

Karli @ The Bonnie 5 said...

If you're reading the comments above, I changed the title from "instead of starting dinner..."

I forgot about Sweet Shot Tuesdays and wanted to play too! :-)

Brooke said...

These shots are AMAZING!!!!! I love all the colors and the perspective. Just fantastic :D
PS - love all the vacation shots too. Looks like a blast was had!

Charmaine Poulin said...

Awesome shot!!!!

Here's my sweet shots: http://justbitspieces.blogspot.com/2010/07/25.html

Anonymous said...

Great shots. I don't have a dedicated Macro lens either, just use the macro setting, but I love 'em anyway!

Dianna@KennedyAdventures said...

This would be awesome in a playroom, or homeschooling room!
Just think, I can't even use my camera in simple modes, much less anything fancy.

Sam said...

So fun! Love It!!

Misti said...

I love these...it totally makes the artist inside me want to break out and create something!

Katie said...

I LOVE these!!! So colorful and pretty! That last one would make a perfect thank you note!

Unknown said...

I love this! Love all your different crops too.

Anna K. said...

I'm just discovering the world of macro and these pics make me wanna try it out! Also, I'm an artist so I love photos of art supplies.

By the way, your header is fab!

SarahinSC said...

Love it (them)!

Heather said...

Really neat artsy looking photos! Enjoyed looking at the different crops. Makes me want to take a picture like this!

Tracy said...

LOVE all of them!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice shots.......love all the colors

Carol said...

This makes me want to whip out a coloring book and color away! Definitely a sweet shot!

Tiffany said...

I LOVE colored pencils! Love the pictures!!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

I really love these shots. You did this without a macro lens? I love the crispness of the background too. Did you just set them over white paper? I would love to give this a try.

Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH! Wow. This is AMAZING. It looks so wonderful. What a good idea you had! Wow. I love your cropping and playing around too. So pretty! Just magnificently fun!