Anyway, I was encouraged by a friend to shoot in RAW this week, so I accepted the challenge. There were two unforseen problems. Problem #1: Although we got up bright and early for Livia's little shoot, there wasn't one teensy patch of shade in the entire park. The result? Major squinting and nostril-flaring; Livia's M.O. if you are new to the blog. Problem #2: the fact that I've never shot in RAW before and now I don't know how to open the images. They don't open in CS4 the same way as jpeg images. My inspiration for shooting in RAW has left for a camping trip and can't hear my calls for help. SARAH!!!! I think I need to download and install a plug-in, but that sounds a bit ambitious for the old cerebral cortex this afternoon.
All that to say...what we've got here is a lighting test-shot. Sorry in advance. Tuesday kind of snuck up on me this week.
Here's the SOOC:

Here's my "clean edit" (see last week's post for my made-up definition)
Aly's Basic Boost - free
soft light blending mode, 35%
haze cutter on eyes only - free
PW's warmer action, 15% - free
vibrance +20 - his skin looked a little dull
contrast +6
TRA's Select-O-Pop on Drew's face only

Now for some "fun edits:"
Here I used Everyday Vintage from Isabelle Lafrances' freebie actions. See last week for the link. I am in LOVE with these vintage actions! (I also used MCP's non-destructive burn tool for a light vignette).

Here I ran an action from Totally Rad Actions called "Grandma's Tap Shoes."

My last edit is AMP's black and white action with a 10% beige overlay; also free.

Do you have a favorite? I think the Everyday Vintage is my favorite. Or maybe Grandma's Tap Shoes...
So I'm not completely in love with this shot, but I think it's a good example of the different actions you can run.
I'd like to say thank you to everyone that has participated in touch-up Tuesday so far! I think you have all linked directly to your touch-up Tuesday post and not to your blog's home page. Smart people in this blog hop!! :-) Go us! Also, I have very much enjoyed your edits. Everyone edits differently, and I have learned a number of tricks from you guys. Thanks!
Edit: I just got an email from my friend on vacation, and she walked me through how to download Camera Raw 5.4 (which is the version compatible with CS4). I cannot believe the difference in editing a RAW image and then touching up in Photoshop. There's hardly any touching up to be done! AMAZING! I can't re-write this post, but I can't wait to play around with it more.
I'm posting early tonight because I've been a single parent for the past few days. Doron and Collin are away at camp, and I'm exhausted!

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What a handsome guy! I love the black and white picture!
Wow Karli, I love the black and white picture! I am so happy you are going to join the network! I would like you to be the first artistic feature this coming Monday if possible. Maybe you can do an extra snazzy post and break out your favorite pictures! Just go to the Join the Nestwork page and join in. Grab the Nestwork button and perhaps put it with your buttons on the bottom. It has to be on the mainpage. Let me know if you would like to do it for this Monday or I will have to find another blogger for this coming artistic blogger feature. I would love for you to be the first feature though! Something kind of neat! Have a great night!
Mama Hen
I was just about to tell you about RAW but you've already figured it out...I'm glad you're shooting raw now. You wont' go back! It's just too easy to fix any problems you may have had before...not that you had any problems. Anyways, I love your edit. I won't be joining this week because I don't have my editing tools (well unless I can get through the 500+ blogs on my read list and test drive my old editing program). I'm rambling. Have a good night.
Nice hair, Drew! :D
I think I like "Everyday Vintage" the best.
Shooting in RAW, eh? Can't wait till I can get a better camera to learn all of this stuff, too! :)
I love shooting in Raw, just wish I could figure out White Balance better and how to get sharp pictures. Yours are just perfect!
WEll .. great job shooting RAW. Love it..and to be featured in Netsworks... You go girl!
He is such a cutie! And I love all the edits...I can't pick just one!
I also just started shooting in Raw mode recently and it's pretty awesome...if my slow as molasses computer could keep up with the larger files it'd be even better! :)
I fear Raw - hopefully, I'll got over it. It's not like walking on a trapeze or anything!
I love the Everyday Vintage! Isabelle LaFrance is a goddess.
awww Karli, I love his new haircut...adorable :)
Love the photos! where do you get your actions?
Everyday Vintage is my fave too : ))
What "haze cutter" did you use on the clean edit?? It's perfect!
These all look great! I want to try raw sometime, but my brain is already on overload. Can't wait to see yours!
If I can get my camera out today I will try to link up. I've got some pictures from Saturday that need help, but no amount of PSing is going to save them. Major photographer blundering going on that day!
Karli I have added your blog to the network, but you have to do the steps to join my friend! Just press the Join the Nestwork page and follow the steps. Add the Mama's Little Nestwork with your other buttons in your footer and then you are done. E-mail me if you have any questions about it, but I can't feature you if you are not a member silly girl! :) I am excited to feature your blog first! Let me know if you need help!
Mama Hen
button is missing from that sentence above-Mama's Little Nestwork button. Yikes! Typos!
My husband is a photographer and always photographs in RAW and then fixes it up. I think he likes playing with the photos more than actually taking them!
Your photo of your son is amazing. The exposure is perfect - centered right on his eyes. The way the hair on his forehead points down, and lines up with his chin and V-neck of his shirt gives it an additional symmetry.
Kudos to you for a job well done.
I like the Everyday Vintage one the best. :)
Karli, these are great! I always enjoy seeing artistic creativity and since my husband enjoys photography, I can now ask him if he's ever shot in RAW. I too love the Everyday Vintage.
Found you through Mama's Little Nestwork - you have a new follower! Have a great day!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing with me where you get your actions! THANKS!
I love the picture - although I won't lie - RAW scares me!!!! but you make it look so cool!! and I kinda really like the everyday vintage one to!
These are so nice--that boy looks cute with his new 'do! ..and I am crazy about the cherry tomato snap and bball ones--you go, girl!
lol! I'm back!!! Where are your raw pictures????????? joking - I know you're busy. Me too! I think I like the edit with isabelle's action the best. I downloaded that freebie toooooo! Can't wait to see some shots when life slows down for you lady!
I have been so busy with stuff these days. I stole myself away for some time to read up on my favorite blogs:)
I love the vintage and the B&W. I love how the color of his eyes just pops in all of your edits. And oh! I see he got a new haircut. looks very cool.
I shoot in RAW (was recommended to me early on) but the editing...I have so much to learn! I like so many of the edits. Great photo to begin with!
I love the black and white photo. I find that every picture is not black and white worthy, especially if there are a lot of dark tones and shadows, but when the opportunity presents itself to use a B&W action, I take it because I love it.
Oh yeah...I still made it within the perimeters of Tuesday. Aren't you proud? Well I'm tired. Talk to you tomorrow big sis.
Could you help me a bit with the ACR? I can't seem to install this thing!!!!
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