
milk splash!





Colleen said...

That's so cool! The best milk and cookie shot ever!

Ashley Sisk said...

Holy cow - amazing....how'd you do that? Unbelievable. I want some milk and cookies now.

Unknown said...

That's so cool! :D What did you drop in there??

The middle one is my fav. :)

Mama Hen said...

That is spectacular! You are so talented and I am going to keep encouraging you to do a book! If anything you will end up with a fabulous coffee table book! Love the picture of the tricycle! Have a great night!

Mama Hen

Casey Martinez said...

Love your creativity. I think you are definitely meant to use this photography gift of yours...that couldn't have been too much fun to clean up though huh?? hehe

Jessica Griz said...

You have GOT to tell us more about these!!!! Amazing! There is so much tension in this capture...incredible. I really, really want to know how many times you made a mess and cleaned up. I hope there was no crying involved ;)

Traci said...

Very fun shoot - what the heck did you drop to make that kind of splash?

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is amazing! I love it!

Jess said...

FUN STUFF! Now who got to clean it up? :D

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

So was it the middle kid that made the splash???? Ya got to let me in on it.. What a great series of phots.. Awesome!

DASH Photography said...

Wow, coolest mom of the year award goes to you! :) So fun!

Jodee said...

Seriously! How did you take these?!

Anonymous said...

Karli! That is an awesome shot, I seriously considered trying something like that with my coffee...but I didn't want to waste it! (or clean it up!) LOL

Julie said...

wow!! you spilled milk on purpose??? that in itself is impressive :) and I love the pictures too.

happy me said...

Karli! How the heck did you do that! :)

Debra www.aphotographicmemory.typepad.com

Katherine Schultz said...

That is such an unbelievable set of photos! Its great :) I love it.

How the heck di you do it!

Have a wonderful day..

K xx :)

Clare B said...

Now you're really going to have to share...

Unknown said...

Love it LOVE LOVE IT! you always inspire me. karli always.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What you won't do for a great picture! ;)

Brooke said...

AMAZING SHOTS!!!! I was cringing a little at the mess - but all in the name of ART -right????

Anonymous said...

These are amazing!! You are seriously going to have to post a tutorial for us to try this - although I might use water, or an outside picnic table, instead :-)

Katie said...

You are crazy...or maybe a genius! ;) This is awesome!!! I don't think I EVER would have thought to make a gigantic mess and photograph it's stages. Like others, I'd love to know how many times you had to do this before you got the shots above...and how you did it. If you say once I'm going to be very jealous. :)

SarahinSC said...

Hopefully you gobbled up those cookies right away so they didn't get too soggy! Seriously though, super cool shots! I'd never even think to do something like that!

Mama Hen said...

Hey Karli, I just saw your button on someones blog! It looks great, but you have to make a button with Livia too. That one with the hightops was so cute! Make two so people have a choice. The nice thing is that you know how to make the buttons so you can make a bunch if you would like. Ha! Have a great day!

Mama Hen

Wendy said...

Gosh, I hope you only had to do that once to get that shot! Awesome!

Natalie said...

Impressive! Hope you did this while the kids were at school or you might have given someone a good idea. ;-)

Stephani Cochran said...

Wow this is so cool! You have some amazing photographs here! I'm glad you stopped by my blog so I could find yours!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

Very cool.

faith ann raider said...

WOW - that is totally insane. Thanks for sharing! :)