Yep, tis grand indeed.
Take last week, for instance...when he presented me with an early birthday present.

My dad told me this lens would have to be for both my birthday AND Christmas.
Before you feel too sorry for me, my dad says that every year, and come Christmastime, he always forgets. Good ole' dad.
Thanks dad! Text me!! (inside joke) ;-)
Wow. That's a nice daddy you have there! Beautiful, the camera and the photo!
AH!!! I'm freakin! LUCKY! Seriously lucky!
BTW, I Love that photo you took of this and the bokeh!
Ahh it's gorgeous! Can't wait to see the pics you get with it! I'm with the pp, the bokeh is gorgeous on this shot.
Awesome!! :) Have fun with it! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!
What an AWESOME --- lens & dad you have!!!! Great photo & gorgeous bokeh too!!!!
Oh I'm green with envy right now!! You are going to love it!!
Well pooh! I'm my Dad's (only) favorite daughter...he must not have gotten the (test) message...
Okay not much of a pun if I mistype words! TEXT message.
You are one LUCKY girl! Congrats on the new glass - and L glass at that! Did I mention you're a lucky girl? Your Dad is awesome.
Yowza!! That thing is HUGE!
Very pretty bokeh. ;)
Gosh I feel sooooooo bad for you - enjoy your early present! I can't wait to see what he forgets to get you for Christmas!
that is one serious lens...I can't wait to see what you do with it. :)
sursly??? I am green, except that canon thing.. bummer... You are blessed.. and your birthday is almost a month away.. You are spoiled! and that photo is beautiful.. what did ya take the shot with????
Oooh, you lucky girl you! I have a dad like that too - it's how I got my DSLR in the first place! Give your dad a hug and then go take some pictures already! :)
JEALOUS! I'd be lucky to ever have that lens. WOW!
And you love it? I told you so. ;)
I have lens envy. LOL. Love the bokeh and of course the lens.
Karli! I didn't even realize it the first time I looked. You're supposed to mount the tripod ring on the tripod, not the camera. You silly goose!
great lens. great dad. wow.
Oh man! How thrilled are you?! CanNOT wait to see the shots you get with this bad boy. :)
Consider myself officially coveting. Have fun with that thing!
Holy Cow!! That is a nice daddy! Enjoy!
Wow - you will love it - have you gotten used to how heavy it is yet? Sometimes I take pictures with it just to get used to the weight -
let me know what you think -
I love mine!
(picking jaw up off floor....)
You do realize this gives you zero excuse for bad photos, right?! ;) ...not that you take any anyway! I'm a bit jealous, I won't lie...but very excited for you!! And the bokeh background....FABULOUS!
Feel sorry for you? Nah . . .I was feeling sorry for me. lol
How fun! Can't wait to see what you get with that baby. :-)
Oh, that is SO sweet... and what a super shot, too!!
WOW! What a wonderful gift and wonderful dad!!
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