I hesitated to choose the picture below as my picture of the week. I like the others so much better, but it was one of the only ones where I got all three faces semi-decent. It seems like at any given moment...at least one of the kids is making a funny face, blinking, looking away, sneezing, you name it. It's hard to get all three kids looking good at the same time.

That's pretty much the best I could get of the three of them! :-)
Now on to some pictures I like better.

I love how they seem completely unaware of me.

One thing I love about my kids is that any combination of them plays so well together. The boys are great friends, and each of them has a very special relationship with Livia.

I had to get a shot of those little curls - eeek! ♥

OK, here's where I need your opinions. The picture below is one of my favorites of the bunch. Just because it makes me laugh! :-) So... between the first picture and this one, which would you have chosen for the picture of the week? Would you choose one just because it included all three faces, or one that you really love? (If this was just a picture of two of the kids, of course it wouldn't have been in the running for my picture of the week, but you can definitely see all three kids are present). I love pictures that speak to me, make me smile, make me remember the moment...and that's why I like this one. :-) Collin helping Livia, again the curls!, and Drew's face - LOL!

If it sways your decision at all, the photographer I got this idea from (taking one picture a week of my kids together for 52 weeks), does not always include a full shot of each child. You can see that all of her kids are present, but sometimes it might just be a hand or the top of a head...

You can see the blinking game hasn't gotten old. Oh, and before I forget...the boys will have you know they are only playing with these legos because I asked them to. Livia loves them, and I thought it was something that would keep them all busy while I took pictures. Toddler legos are not one of their usual pasttimes. (Though Drew does look pretty serious about it, doesn't he?)

If you're wondering if I tell my kids to hug each other or if they do it on their own...they do it on their own.

The proof? Look below to see what happens when I give instructions. Here I said "Collin, put your arm around Livia," and "Drew, peek out from behind your tower."

Fake city! (Although it still cracks me up). :-)
For the picture below, I just let them be; no instructions.

I think it's better to just let them be. ♥
Love. Love. Love.. Your kids are adorable and so sweet! Me.. I would probably pick the photo I liked best... Only because it spoke to me more than just me following the guidelines I had set before... But that's just me... the rule breaker I guess.. ;-)
I like the first one best, partly for the reasons you do, seeing all the faces and all...but partly the composition too. :) Your kids are great, I love the kissing pic, absolutely adorable. :)
Its always best to leave them be... you get the real deal 100% person they are in the photos which makes them be soo much better! Love the photos as always.
Aww I can so tell the special relationship between them... even in the one you told them to hug. And that's a hard question! I think I would still go with the first one because all of their faces are in it. That last photo is adorable!
I am not picking a single favorite.. it is like that old scrapbook rule.. show the experience.. so they are all my fav.. You know, life is a collection of moments like this!!!
Love the one of them in front of the couch. Looking in from the hallway! And to answer your question, you should go with the one that makes you feel the most. They are so sweet.
LOVE THEM ALL! My favorite is the side view where you are not in the room with them at all. LOVE IT!
I love the fake faces too - OH MY! I get them all of the time :-)
Your children are so precious and the curls total hair envy over here!
Love you and big hugs!
I love the photo where your in the hall and they are all in a line building! Well, to be honest I love them all!
These are great photos! Your kids are beautiful!
Those photos were amazing as always. I just love reading your blog. It is hands down my favorite. Personally, I would pick the picture that evokes the most emotion when you look back on it; that's what this is all about!
They are great, Karli.
I personally love number 5, the one where it looks like are shooting from a different room? That one is my favorite.
But you know me and my style. I WOULD choose that one, right? ;-)
Happy weekend, friend.
Beautiful photos, wonderful children and loving
You get to pick YOUR favorite, but I gotta say that the last one - heart melter. Love it!
I like the one you picked... but I *really* like #5, and also the one you said was your fav. Drew's face is hysterical!! :D And, like you said, I like pics to tell a story, too.
You're rockin' this party of three thing!! :D
These are great! I love the idea of weekly group photos. I'm so tempted to try this with my children. As for the chosen photo, I would choose the photo that speaks to you. I think it will have a powerful impact on you when looking back through the photos. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, Karli, these are just so precious! Even the ones with instruction :-) I always chose the photos that evoke the most emotion, so I would choose the one that doesn't show all the faces. That's why, when I shoot for others, I have such a hard time narrowing them down to just the 20 "best" ones for proofing. The ones that are technically better photos aren't always the ones that move me. The bond your children share is so apparent in your photos, and that makes them all picture of the week.
Awww, your kids are too sweet especially to each other. I love it!
I just love it - I love them all...I especially love the one where you backed away and it looks like you're peaking in from another room...it's really cute. To your question...I have to go with the one you love. No matter how many times you'll look at the other shot, you'll think about the one of Drew with the goofy face. That memory is worth keeping!
I love this week's photos, especially that last one... too sweet! I think that gut reactions often tell us the most about the photos we take. I agree with Ashley, Drew with his goofy face is authentic, real. It's something you're going to treasure when he's old and "too cool" to pose or make faces for you.
Love 'em all! I'm not sure which one I'd choose -- Love the first, but the other one is great -- love that expression!
These are such precious shots! The last one melts my heart! Awww! xx
Great photos. I honestly love the one from the doorway looking in. That was my favorite, but they are all wonderful.
My favorite is the pull back one where you see the couches. I like the distance on that one.
Karli, I think you should use the one that you love. For what it's worth I really like the very cropped photo of just hands and legs and lego - it tells the story so well and with 52 photos for the year some with faces and some not will make an interesting mix.
I think you captured your children perfectly in this series of photos. I love each and every one. I also believe you should go with the photo that speaks to you individually. If a particular photo brings a smile to your face and warms the heart, then you know that's the one.
I look forward to seeing your next group shot. :-)
Wonderful wonderful images of them all, but I'm especially partial to the last one... sooo sweeet! =)
love your post and can agree totally that it is so hard to make pretty photos inside in winter and also with more than one child. Yours look so lovely especially because the children are just doing their thing. The hand photo is my favorite. Looking forward the the photos of next week.
love all of them and how nice that you captured them playing so nicely together. Great set of children. I would say go with your gut. I like the first because all of them are in the shot their faces I mean.
Your kids are just the sweetest things. It shows in your pictures just how much they love eachother.
Oh I so love the last one. It is so hard to get all the kiddos working in the picture... but your shots will remind of more than what they looked like... but what they were together.
I love the Tornado's skirt- soo cute!! :) Great photos! :)
Oh! *tear* how sweet your children are together! I like your choice for photo of the week, although i see why you had a tough decision between the two. I love photos of natural expressions and such...I call my son's name in different volumes, tones, pitches..etc and he refueses to look at me with a camera in-hand. So most of my shots are of him looking everywhere but at me! But I manage to get some great ones sometimes!
Also, I must have missed that post you sent me of your selfies..and just so you know, you're GORGEOUS! I wish I was as tiny as you! :D
Lastly...Your kids are totally adorable. I love the boy's hair-do's and Livia's curls! And oh..one more-more thing..can I have your house?! IT IS SO STINKIN GORGEOUS! Okay thats all :))
Love the last one best! but they are all sweet and cute :).
Oh Karli, Your photos are my favorite. And I'm not just saying that. I love them all. I really like this project you are doing, and would love to do it someday too.
I'm not choosing between the two! I love them all. You will appreciate those shots that do not include the faces, in a few years. I love seeing how much feet & hands have grown. But, I know it's a photographer thing I'm sure. I've enjoyed playing catch-up tonight on your posts. The underwear on the head brought such a much needed laugh. :) You're saving memories through a lens!
they are so cute together :-) once I seen your house it made me step into gear to clean my home. yours is so spotless and full of light and of course gorgeous ;-)
Fyi- curls are the cutest most adorable thing in the whole stinkin world ;-) but I may be baised since I have a 4 yr old with tons of curls that I hope never go away!
Karli, these are gorgeous shots!! I know how hard it is to capture photos with all the kids and these are so natural and well done. I love the fake hug, but TOTALLY love the last B&W. It is soooo sweet!!!
Karli -- these are all awesome!! I love reading all your comments and seeing all the interactions btwn your kids! (cause my nieces/nephews don't always play like this!)
And really - I'd pick your favorite one -- whether it makes you laugh, cry, scream, shows all their faces or none! :) Because if you will have 52 (really, just 52???) by the end of the year, I'm sure several will have each kid's face in it! :)
And I'm really starting to like the ones where you don't see their face directly or at all! :)
The picture of Livia kissing Drew!!!!!!!!
Oh. My. Goodness.
Awwwwwwwwwww! They are so sweet!
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