Alright...scroll fast! You've already seen most of these. Zzzzzzzzzz. I still have to post pics from days 180-192 and then I'm done. DONE! No more Project Anythings for me! :-)

day 117: flowers 'n blue sky

day 121: bowtie pasta

day 124: it's a jungle out there

day 127: dandelion

day 128: tall

day 129: kerplunk

day 141: blowing dandelions

day 164: out of focus

day 172: every night before bed

day 173: happy new phone day to me!

day 174: breakfast

day 175: run!

day 176: bubble bokeh

day 177: just for her

day 178: lightning strike

day 179: coneflowers

day 180: water fun!

Anyone still looking? ;-)
It feels GREAT to finally get these pictures posted and move on! :-)
Hope you're having a great weekend! ♥
Hey I don't mind seeing repeats!!! I love your Out of Focus shot!!! So pretty. And I totally commend you for doing the P365. I would never ever be able to commit to something like this. You are awesome!
I love seeing your pictures regardless of whether or not I've seen them before. You are just so talented and your pics always captivate me. The exposures, the sharpness, the editing. You always do such a fantastic job!
Even repeats are inspiring.. remind me of shots I want to try for!
Great pictures! You are such an amazing photographer!
Call us crazy (in this hot weather), but we are headed to Pioneers Park right now to take Kamree's five year pictures! I can't wait!
It's a good thing you posted - I was about to send a search party out for you. Love these photos. You inspire me and I just wish it was a little cooler so I felt like going outside.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! I just got an iphone too. Are you on inistagram?
172 - you too?? :D I watch it every night. Miss it here at the trailer.
LOVE that out of focus shot. Lightening strike?? How... exciting? O.o
And now, back to the campfire. :)
I pray that this means that you survived your trip.. ours was wonderful.. and i shot a lot of coneflowers too!!, ya could have warned me about the mosquitos, although maybe they are not as bad in wish we could have hooked up
Totally captivating....each and every shot!! Love them all!
The shot of your iphone made me giggle. I can't imagine life without sad, but true!
Hope you are all settled in and have a great week ahead!
Whatever -- not a snooze fest! ha! Actually, it's a cool reminder and a great source of inspiration. :) Cause inspiring others and being inspired is what I'm about. maybe. eh. sounded good. then again, maybe not. ugh. how do i get out of this now? ha! :)
Yay for being done!!! Good for you, cause I sure couldn't do a 365 at all! :O) But so glad you made your own rules for it! :)
So glad you made it home safe -- although, chick, if you were driving though where I think you were driving though, :( sorry we weren't able to meet up! Eh, if nothing else, we'll be meeting in the clouds someday! PTL!!
Did you know that you're my inspiration???? ah... hero!!??
Many of these seemed new to me? I loved every single one. You are 100% the most inspiring photographer for me, when I get stalled or bored, your pics get me wanting to learn more! XO
You are such a great photographer. I have had such inspiration from your blog. I love reading your 10 on Tuesday... really all of your blog. I have to admit that I am a bit sad that you are not going to be doing a 365 anymore. I look forward to reading everything else that you will be posting. By the way, my 3 year old "reads" over my shoulder a lot of the time and can identify TT in your posts. She even asks about her when I am reading other blogs. So please know that you would be missed if you ever stop your blog. Have a great day!
I love seeing your photos, even if they are repeats! That dandelion shot is amazing! And the bubbles...I still haven't tried that yet, but I need to. :)
Karli!!!! Welcome home!!!! :o)
Yes, I was still looking - I looked at them all and LOVED it! :o) I could care less if some were repeats! Congrats to you girl for sticking it out!
I'm so jealous you have an iPhone! I have a Droid and desperately want an iPhone, but can't until March!
I hope to goodness it has cooled off there! It was horrendous yesterday (Sunday) wasn't it???
Ummm I always love your shots and some of them I hadn't seen yet. I haven't said hello in a little while, but I stop by often and seriously am inspired every time I do. Just love this blog! Have a great week Karli! :)
Love these! Hope your time at the cabin went well. Prayed for ya!
Hey!All excellent as usual Karli, but please share how you got that last water shot? Because, in my little aperature-impaired mind, I think I can duplicate it if I just know your settings|set-up. ;)
YKILY! How was the vacay?
Gorgeous, Karli! Great set of shots. The last one is amazing!
These are fantastic, and I'm perfectly with seeing repeats! So glad to see you back!
I'm a "Friends" fan, too. My friends tell me I'm Rachel. I don't know if that's good or bad? :-)
Wow, too many to say which are my favorites! Although, I ALWAYS love a great coneflower shot! :)
this are all fabulous photos, one is better than the next, no zzzzz here
Those marbles are FANTASTIC! Oh- & I love Friends- I think I have seen every episode at least a dozen times or more. :)
Good job!
LOVE that water shot. Oh and the coneflower..and several others but I'll just leave it at that :D
Wow..I love these!!!!!!!!!!!! Truly! I love how you can tell a story with just one shot. I struggle with that and always need more to tell it. You are an inspiration!
Your pictures are so beautiful! I love 'flowers n blue skies' and 'Run' the most!
I am new to photography and I find your photos n skill so inspiring :)
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