
another button: i must be stopped

I've gone a little button crazy, and wanted to share my latest. This is the new and improved button for my Project 365 shots.

I think this was your idea, right Jess? This is one of my husband's favorite pictures too, and it was a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!

And my last Project 365 button...well, we'll just put that in the "what was I thinking" file.

Have a great Wednesday! :-)


Aleasing said...


Unknown said...

I really love that marble shot. Glad you used it for a button!

I think you might need one or two more... can you really have enough buttons? ;)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said...

He he you're too funny! I'm the same way... I'm always trying to improve things.
Love the new button!!

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Someday.. when I actually have money and stop bartering photography work for stuff I need, I am gonna have you make me a button.. You might want to start thinking about it now, to bounce off ideas that you may have of my work and how you would use them in a button... Cause I think you have so mcuh free time and all...and the chance of my providing a living with my nikon are so high, and you would want to be able to say, I knew her when, even though ya just learned my name..

Okay.. This button ROCKS!!! I like it , a LOT...

on another note, can you see my last post in your blog reader??you aer the only comment I have had today and that is rare.

Jessica Griz said...

Love it! Scratch that, REALLY love it!

Casey Martinez said...

I think that is super cute!! I still need to figure out what I would want if I made a button!

Kristi said...

Very nice : ) Just don't make me choose a favorite button between the 2 now - that would be impossible ^_^

Jess said...

Yep, I knew that would be perfect!

Lindsey Clair said...

Love this one! I have another site coming out soon, so I will be coming to you again for a button, can't wait :)


Clare B said...

This new button is great. Happy and bright - which really represents your blog to me. Not sure if I've ever said, but I love the brightness and "true" colour in your photos.

happy me said...

The balloon shot is awesome Karli! I'd have loved to watch you get that shot! lol I often wonder if the neighbors think I'm a little bit crazy while trying to get shots.

LOVE! the marble button. It may have to appear in my sidebar & push my photo quality towards yours by association. LOL

Debra @aphotographicmemory.typepad.com