
day 257: "my brothers are awesome...

...and I'm gonna be just like them."


If you heard a loud shrieking sound coming from eastern Nebraska around 2:07pm, that was about the time I tried to remove the shin guards.


Anonymous said...

LOL The loud shrieking...I'll listen for it! Too cute!

Jess said...

Why couldn't she wear them for the rest of her life mom? :D Love it!!!

Unknown said...

:D Skirts and shin guards - nice new fashion.

Love that she's holding trees. Very Paul Bunyan! :)

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

I did hear an unidentified sound while in the forest at Arbor Day Farm..Thank you for letting me know that sound.. The Farm people were quite perplexed....HAHAHAHAHA

Tracy said...

ha! we've fought that battle, not over shin guards though...I am sure we would if we had any around. :) sometimes the feeling of independence comes in some of the smallest ways. :)

Casey Martinez said...

Awesome! I had an older brother growing up so I had an appreciation for Ninja Turtles and Transformers while other girls were ga ga for dolls..I liked those too but, I definitely had a tom boy in me as a kid:). Your little one sounds feisty! :-)

Jodee said...

What a hoot! That is the cutest picture!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! You are not alone. I was back at Head Start today and heard loud shrieking coming from more than one classroom, for a plethora of reasons.

Julie said...

cute :)!

Jessica Griz said...


Clare B said...

Mmmm... boys shin gaurds. Can't think of anything better that I'd want on my legs.

Adriel Booker said...

LOVE your header. LOVE your new button. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that photo with the shin guards. seriously, i laughed out loud when it came up in my reader! {writing "lol" didn't suffice here... way funnier than that.}

Jhen.Stark said...

I hope my little girl is just as spunky as yours!!! I LOVE IT!!! Goodness this is precious!

Anna said...

Love, love LOVE this picture!!! It is *so* your daughter. :)

1 Funky Woman said...

Hi there I'm a new follower! Could this be any cuter? Oh my she's a doll! I just stumbled upon you and I can't believe your are in Lincoln. I'm from Lincoln and most of my family lives there. I'm close though, I live in Ames Iowa. Glad I spotted you!

I'd love for you to stop by and follow me!


Brooke said...

Oh my goodness - we have those same "issues" here too. I love that shot - with the trees in her hand she looks a little like godzilla :D