And I'm glad I did! I got some cute pictures of Livia and Drew playing in the field.
Except for two, these pictures have not been post-processed at all. There were just too many, and it's been a crazy weekend.
These pictures were taken last week with my Canon Rebel. Can you believe I've had my new camera since Friday, and didn't get a chance to take a single picture all weekend?! Collin had two birthday parties yesterday, spanning from 1:00 to 6:00, we had church Sunday morning, a playdate for Collin after that, and then both Drew and Collin had soccer games on opposite sides of town Sunday afternoon and evening. Whew! (Is it wrong that I prayed for rain)? ;-)
OK, here we go.

Drew would hug his little sister all day if he could. Sometimes when she's playing with her toys, he'll just lay beside her on the floor with his arms around her.

I can imagine my kids looking back at this picture when they're grown. Sometimes I wish I could stop time. I really do.
Edit: Please see the above post for an example of when I do not wish to stop time.

Now a flower for brother.

I'm totally getting on board with these candid shots. Posing an 8-, 5- and 1-year old can be, ahem...challenging, to say the least. And I kind of like these better anyway, just capturing my kids being themselves. What do you think?

I love this one.

The relationship between my big boys and their little sister is absolutely precious. The love they have for her is beyond what I imagined.

She is so lucky. I hope they're always this close.

Jeans-clad baby bootie is so so cute! :D
I'm leaning towards candid shots, too. More real.
My youngest son always has his arms around his baby sister, too. He's so excited to be a big brother! Sometimes much to her annoyance. ;)
Beautiful kiddos you have! I can never get my two in the same spot for a picture. And when I do they're usually trying to wrestle each other. Gah!
Pictures speak a thousand words and all of them are love. Truly beautiful.
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