Yep. Not too bad.

Feeling positive, we decided to head to a nearby field. It was pretty overcast at the time, but no sooner than I unloaded the kids, camera, bucket, treats for bribery, etc...the sun started peeking out.

It got bright. And hot. So we left to find some shade. Off to the next field!

WOA! OK, she's sitting in the shade, so what's up with all the squinting?

Shade, check. Facing the light, check.
Where are my beautiful catchlights?

Yes, she's wearing hot pink. Yes, the chair is bright red.
Planning ahead is not my forte.

And now for some experimentation. I have been wanting to figure out backlighting (since I'm such a pro at open shade - NOT)...you know, face your subject with their back to the sun so they glow. Here's my first try.
Hmmmmmm. Have I blinded you?

Howza 'bouta be a nice baby and sit in the bucket while mommy fiddles with the camera, and big brothee will feed you a frosty?

Then big brother will dump the frosty all over you (yes it was the 8 year old, not the 5 year old), and daddy will have to come clean you up.

I'm open to suggestions. Anyone know how to do backlighting? I'm not really sure what I'm doing. (But I do like how her hair is glowing).

OK, this is more what I was going for!

And with that, I will concede and give lighting a point, but I'm also going to give myself a point. :-) I really like the first two shots of the day, and it was fun to practice with backlighting. Seriously, I'm open to suggestions if anyone has any!
You might wonder why I put pictures on my blog and then say I don't like them. :-) First of all, I'm learning, and I want this to show my progression of photography as I learn new things. Also, even though there might be squinting and nose flaring, they still are my kiddos, and I think they're pretty cute anyway! I want to remember the moments we captured, and not everything has to be perfect.
WHEW! What a long post. If you're still here, I wish you a happy Memorial Day weekend!
Love the first two, and the last two! :D
Yay! I'm glad you gave yourself a point. And yay for a Daddy who cleans up frosty messes.. and feeds hungry girlies. ;)
I don't have any tips for you, as I'm just learning too.
love your shots - please post the answers to your back lighting questions when you find an answer - I would love to know !!!
OMG, great pictures:)Love your baby in a tub idea! Its like your trademark.
The first one and the third last collage are the cutest of the bunch.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog:)
I have been following your baby in a bucket series and you are hilarious! Reminds me of the many shoots that I envision in my mind that NEVER work out! Great shots!
Oh my goodness these are so wonderful!! You take such amazing photos! I take a lot of pictures and use Blurb.com to make 450 page books every year. A book of that size is only about $90.00 or so. And the quality is great! Well worth it. I tell all of my mommy friends who take a lot of pictures. Have a great night!
Mama Hen
I LOVE these, Karli!! Great job, really--backlighting is SO HARD! I usually edit mine after the fact, BUT I thought that maybe next time I would adjust my metering mode to spot metering, then the kiddo would be properly exposed (in theory ? maybe). It's either that or flash, and I know how much you love that. :) Your daught is so gorgeous, love seeing pics of that lil chiclet.
I loved all of them, but I liked your first shot of backlighting. Again there is something very special about this picture. It is like looking into someone eyes and seeing their soul. She is beautiful.
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