It represents one of my "summer resolutions."
Be in the moment with my kids. Play with them. Listen to them. Enjoy them.
I want them to remember me being there.

This picture was taken on Memorial Day at the Omaha Zoo.
It is one of the only pictures I took the entire day.
Instead of trying to get the kids to smile, or stand here or there,
I held hands with my oldest, goofed around with my middle one, and showed my baby animals she'd never seen before.
I was delighted when she pointed at every animal that swam and called it a "duck."
Penguins were ducks. Fish were ducks. Sting rays were ducks.
I put the camera down and just enjoyed myself and my family.
And it was wonderful.

Lovely, lovely lovely. Sometimes the memories the kids will have of a great time with their parents are more important than all the pictures. I need to remember that myself - a lot of the times!
A good reminder for all of us. When our kids are older, they won't remember all of the pretty photos but they'll remember the time we spent with them.
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
So sweet I can not even take it. Magic. Very pretty processing.
Great post and a beautiful shot!!!
What a great angle! Love the composition:)
Absolutely beautiful. Love the processing.
Great resolution, too. :)
Great B&W! Have a wonderful summer.
Stopped by to say that I have passed you an blog award for being so awesome!
Check out my blog for more details.
Hope you enjoy it and your day:)
That picture is absolutely beautiful! It is one to be framed! I also love your resolution to be present in the moment! I love that! Have a great night!
Mama Hen
It is me again! I can't rave about enough! I am not sure about the pictures and resolution, but you can contact Blurb and they get back to you in a few hours or so. I would start with a twenty to twenty-five page book. Then you can see if you like it. It is a publishing company, so it is a book. Great quality. Another great thing is that you are not online when you are working on it and it automatically saves. I lost a ten hour project on another book making company that was online and I cried. I won't say which one. Go to and check out what they do. I love their books! I have already made about eight and copies for family. So lots of books!! Let me know how it goes!
Mama Hen
You captured a wonderful moment and what a unique perspective. The memories you make with them will last a lifetime. Wonderful, wonderful picture. Grandpa and I decided this is our favorite for the week.
OH WOW....I love everything about this image.....AWESOME capture and processing:)
Sorry it has taken me this long to get here.....we have had a very busy week!!
Enjoy your Sunday~
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