So...I decided to do another free button giveaway today. I will make a free blog button (including the text box underneath) for the first person who leaves me a comment saying they'd like a button. How about that? Your button will look like this:

<center> <a href=""><img src=""/> </a> </center>
Here's what I need from you:
1. A jpeg image that you'd like to use for your button. Most buttons are approximately 150 x 150 pixels. If you'd like a different size or even a rectangle, that's fine too. (I don't design the image for your button, I just do the HTML code).
2. The url address you'd like your button linked to.
Super easy, right!
The 1st person that leaves me a comment saying they'd like a blog button will receive a free one. Happy Wednesday! :-)
Edit: We have a WINNER! Natalie, I'm so happy to make a button for you. And by the way, this is FUN! I think I'll do a free button giveaway once a week. So if you like freebies, keep an eye out! :-)
I guess there is an advantage to waking up way too early! :-) I suddenly feel the need for a button.
I still have to give you my picture:) I'm just waiting for my blog makeover so that I can pick the right colors, fonts etc. But, this IS such a cool idea!!
My sister beat me????? Nuts!
Good for you Karli! I am happy your button business is going great! I gave you an award! Come and get it! :)
Mama Hen
Yay for buttons! :D
You do such a great job with them. :)
Oh how fun! I didn't even know I needed a button until I won one, but now I'm very excited. . . you're going to have to help me out here with what to do. Glad you're so creative. Thanks for the win! :-)
Your blog is so neat! So glad I stumbled across it. I'm now following. Your pictures are beautiful! I could definitely learn a thing or two from you!
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