I was downtown in the Haymarket on a Monday night. It wasn't packed, but it wasn't empty. In fact, there were a few other photo shoots going on. I wandered a little farther than I meant to. I turned a corner and realized it was suddenly very quiet. A man comes up behind me and yells "Hey Susie!"

Not usually a stickler for details, I thought I'd best not correct him.

He asks if I could take a picture of him in front of a certain building and then email it to him.

C'mon pal, this isn't my first rodeo.

Did you know my guardian angel drives a white Suburban?

As I'm telling the guy "no, sorry, I better not." He comes closer and says "You better not?" And that's when a white Suburban pulls up, sees what's going on and parks directly between us. Right there in the middle of the deserted street.

The man in the Suburban looks at me and I look at him. He doesn't move until I have walked away.

That could have been really bad.

OK! Let's lighten the mood! I'm not trying to bring you down! :-) I made a huge mistake and I don't plan on a repeat performance. Let's move on to my final shot.

Weeeeeeell??? Pretty skinny legs, huh? That's right. And no, the angle of the sun wasn't causing me to look skinner than I really am. Nope. Not at all.
My friend Ashley is hosting the blog hop for In a Yellow House, so go visit her site and check out more "urban" photos. I can only choose one photo above to enter, and while I like them as a set, there's not really one photo that stands out to me. What do you think? If I have to choose, I think the photo of the pipes. (The one under the doorknob).

Stay safe, friends! ♥
HOLY COW GIRL...you were nearly raped, murdered, or something else horrible. I felt like I was reading a suspense novel and this is why I'm scared to go out shooting alone! Thank GOD that your knight in shiny white suburban saved the day. I don't know what I'd do without my Karli fix each day!
I love the pictures as a set as well...real art here - love them all! Please take a chaperon out with you next time.
LOL - I kind of agree with Ashley. I'm glad you're safe. :) The pictures are AWESOME, especially as a collection.
And Holy LEGS! :)
all are awesome and I agree the pipes are awesome and I like it as the entry for urban. I love your urban macro shots. Great eye for detail! Thanks for passing by my blog!
Holy cats! I can't believe that happened to you in our usually safe little city!
These pictures are fabulous and the Haymarket is one of my favorite places to take pictures!
Creeper! Thank you man in white suburban!
I have a thing for doors, so I'm voting for the door knob one. These are all awesome!
You have to be really careful karli! Thank God someone drove by! These pictures are spectacular! I will say it again because they deserve it-they are spectacular! You should really make a book of these kind of photos on Blurb and sell it on Blurb. They are a publishing company and will sell it for you! You could do really great! That last picture is great! Skinny minnie! Have a great night! Thank goodness your angel stepped in!
Mama Hen
Give me a moment....
My heart is about to beat out of my chest!
Please, PLEASE be careful, Sweetie!
Now that I've had my "mommy moment"...I like all the textures that go along with urban photos and you captured them fabulously!
wow - isn't it amazing how the angels show up just when we need them too!!! SO glad you are safe - and what a great set of photos for Urban- great job - and yes - great skinny legs!!!
Thankful you are safe and sound. Thank goodness for people who care enough to get in the middle.
Love your last picture on this post. That's awesome!
Your story got me worried, but WOW, you took some incredible photos! I love all the small details. You are so talented!
What?! That was like straight out of a movie or something. Thank God you are safe. When ever I'm alone I count on my cell phone and keep it handy. Did you have your phone near you? Anyway, I'm just glad you are Ok. And I have to say, those pictures made your story even more intriguing, like a peep into the lonely alley. All of them are great. I do think the pipes are a good choice. And ooh lala at the last one:)
Yikes! So glad you're safe!
Great photos. Were these all the same lens?
Knights in white suburbans are always nice - especially when caught in a "pickle". It reminds me of a time last year when I was riding home on my bike with friends near a university. Crossing a bridge we came across a similar scene (but with university jocks and some poor, very scared girl). Without even discussing it, my friends and I managed to tangle our bikes up across the path between the gal and the guys giving her a chance to walk away. I get shivers thinking about what might have been. Glad that you're safe :)
Oh, and I like the pipes too. And the second, green one with the awesome bokeh.
Oh, my goodness! Your shots are great.
Oh my -- that had to be so scary!! So glad your guardian angel was watching over you! Your photos are all fabulous -- think I like the one with the broken glass the best and wow -- -you do look very skinny! :)
P.S. I work with Jodee Leader -- she's so much fun!
These are AWESOME! Yes, the pipes, then the broken window, and the very 1st one with the red stripe...and the rest of them are my fav's. Love your style!! (and SO GLAD the Lord protected you from something bad!) *hug*
Awesome shots! I love that last one... what a great capture!! I really like all the macro ones of little details. :)
Wow! The shots are incredible! I really like the pipes, and the second one. And wow, those are some nice legs! ;)
Hopefully next time you go out you don't stray so far. ;) Glad you're safe.
geez, sounds like quite an experience. your photos are awesome though. oh...the things we do for our art!
Man, I'm glad you're ok!!! Scary... Thankful the man in the suburban was paying attention. Be careful!!
Found your blog through Macro Friday...loving your shots! :) What a story! I have been known to do stuff like that, too. I kind of get lost in what I'm doing and don't realize my surroundings. Once I went a little too far into this creepy old house and nearly fell through the floor. Oops. Glad you're ok! :)
Holy legs! LOL Great shots. Love them as a set! Glad you are safe!
Whoa...guardian angle indeed! Was it really a white suburban?! ...an upgrade from a white horse, I suppose. ;) Glad you got out safe and sound!
...now I have to go back and look at your pretty pictures! I was a little distracted by your scary story!
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