Here it is in it's original glory:

I drove all around town, trying to find the biggest, most waviest flag. I finally found one, but there was no way to get rid of the gas station sign.
Well, there's always a way. ;-) Ta-dah!

This was a super quick edit. I cloned out the pole and the sign, and then ran MCP's Color Sensation at 100%. I decided to finish it with a slight curves adjustment, and that was it! Fun! :-)
If you're new to touch-up Tuesday, you can find the instructions in my menu bar. Please copy and paste the button in your post if you decide to link up. Thanks! :-)

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If you participate in touch-up Tuesday, I will be sure and look at your edits tonight. We are going to be travelling home today (9 hours in the van - wish me luck!!), and I'll get online as soon as I get home! Happy Tuesday! :-)
Always love your pictures this will be my first time linking up to your touch up Tuesday. But I have always loved reading about your shots. thanks for all the tips.
Great edit! I hope that you all had a great holiday weekend!
I'm feeling like the WORST bloggy friend ever! My lack of participation this week in your awesome blog meme is not because of ME. My computer died and I'm forced to buy a new one. It's been on it's last leg for a couple of months and yesterday was it. I had a picture and everything. FRUSTRATING! I'm going to enter 10 times next week.
It's a beautiful pic! :D
Safe travels.
Great work - I need to enter mine today!
Nice shot! I have always loved a good flag photo! :)
Wonderful edit. The blue in the sky pops and there's nothing around to distract one from the flag. Beautiful!
Also, girl! Can't it wait until morning? I think the last thing I'd want to do after sitting in a van for 9 hours is hop on the internet. LOL. We can wait!
Wow!! I'm excited to look at the growing number of entries!!
I love how you got rid of the pole and building silhouette. Your edit is simple but very stunning.
OOOPS! looks like my first link, link#8 is wrong. Link # 9 is the correct link to my blog.
Thanks Lynda, for pointing that out.
Great edit!
Hey Karli! I could not even imagine being in the car that long with munchkins! I got my fireworks shot by clicking away. I left my camera in the car when we got back and it had gotten over 100 degrees. It does not work now.I am happy the memory card did not get ruined though. Now I have an excuse for a new camera. :) By the way, I am starting a network very soon. I am working on it now. Like I needed to add more computer time into my life. This means later nights! Anyway, I would love for you to help me with a part of it. I will let you know when I get started. No real extra work on your part. Just your expertise! :) Have a great night! That flag against the sky is incredible!
Mama Hen
WOW I just love these edits!! Very nice :)
Linking up with you today!
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