Oh, and did I mention that when we arrived home, we were smacked up side the head with an indescribable odor coming from our refrigerator. Clearly the power had gone out for a bit, and everything spoiled. Did I mention that me and indescribable odors do not mix? And I'm sure I didn't mention that all the ice from our ice maker melted, bowing our wood floors and leaking through the floor into the ceiling in our basement. And by "basement," I don't mean a concrete slab with a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. But rather our lovely, beautiful, finished basement with the best furniture in the house and the fantastic stone wall. Guess the vacation's over.
I am so behind on my blog reading, but before I go to bed I must say THANK YOU to a couple of my sweet friends that have given me blog awards! First, the Fabulous Sugar Doll Award from Mama Hen at Mama's Little Chick ...

...and the Cherry on Top Award from Mama Hen and my new friend Ashley Sisk at Ramblings and Photos.

Thanks so much for thinking of me!! :-)
Now...if you have waded through all my rambling, you will now be rewarded with a picture of the cutest lil' cowgirl in all of Branson, Missouri.

Am I right?
I'm exhausted. It's 10:45 and 2/3 of my kids are still awake, I'm up to my neck in laundry, and the other 2,299 pictures will have to wait.
You know how they say you need a vacation after you get home from a vacation to recover from the vacation? Yep. Totally true.
Oh no!! I'm so sorry that happened! Can your floor be fixed easily? :( We have laminate in our kitchen (I'd NEVER do that again!) and it was ruined by water a few years ago.
Your poor basement, too. Why do vacation's always have to end with a 'thud' back to reality??
Ah well. At least your little cowgirl is absolutely adorable! :D
Oh my. So sorry about your floors. I still cannot believe you hopped online after coming home to that! LOL.
The thought of having to sort through and edit 2300 photos makes me sick. If we ever get to take a week long vacation, remind me to bring my laptop and carve out two hours a night to edit!
um - love that shot! can't wait to see more!
Been there done that with a rotten smellin' fridge. The difference with mine was that it broke. Kind of a reoccurring theme with me it seems.
Have I mentioned that I am photoshopless? It's not pleasant. Hopefully a new computer is coming home tonight!
If this makes you feel any better...last summer, we were pool sitting for some friends. By the grace of God, we noticed water coming out their front door (the 2nd day they were gone). We were able to get in touch with them and obtain a key. Their house was FLOODED!! Their hot water had a leak (in the attic). I can't imagine what their house would have looked like a week later when they returned home. I still cringe when I think about it!!
Glad you had a fun trip. Yes, she is an adorable cowgirl. ;)
oh my - she is the cutiest little cow girl - love how the chair is in the middle of the trees -
so so sorry about your wood floors - we have wood floors too and my husband is so anal about water on the floors - hopefully it will all be fixed and smells gone!!
Hope you plan on posting your vaca photo's
although you do have a lot!!!
Wow! It sounds like you had a fabulous vacation! So sorry to hear about the smelly mess you came home to.
The picture is absolutely adorable! Where did you find the dress? It's just perfect!
I can't wait to see more pictures! You will be posting all 2,299, right?! HA HA!
Karli--sounds awful what happened! But what a cute lil cowgirl. ;) Hoping you have a smoother week ahead.
Oh my!!!! I don't even know what to say other than that she IS the CUTEST cowgirl around.
I can't even imagine what a nightmare all of this has been for you. I'm going on vacay in a couple of weeks & I'm getting a little nervous now. YIKES! I hope the solutions to your problems come quick & cheap!
WHAAAAAT??? I'm so sorry you had to come home to such a mess....and such a smell!!!! The Lord always seems to know how to continually work on us, doesn't He?? Hope you can get everything cleaned up and back to normal quickly and as pain free as possible!!
Darling pic of Mini Drew.....I mean Livia! ;)
Good Morning Karli! I've been patiently waiting for more pictures!!!!!!!!!! I posted a giveaway on my blog that you might be interested in! I'm back!!! New computer = amazing and fast!!!
Welcome back!! It's great you guys had a good time. I love Livia's outfit:)
It is great to have you back. Sorry about the surprise you received. Looking forward to seeing the vacation pics. By the way, Livia is looking adorable again in her little cow dress.
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