Hi guys! After my good Friday posts, I received a comment asking me to share more about my faith. I had been wanting to do that for awhile now, and this gave me the little push that I needed. :-) So here's a little bit of my story...
I thought I was saved as a child (prayed the prayer, and lived the life for many years)...but it took until I was almost 30 years old to understand that my faith was not real. I lived a very "colorful" lifestyle in my 20's, with complete disregard for God. I used many things I had gone through as an excuse for sin, when the truth was...I just enjoyed sinning. I kept telling myself "oh, this isn't really me....this is just a phase...." but at some point I had to get real with myself. I had to understand that my actions and lifestyle did not reflect a person that had truly given their life to God. I was leading; God was not. My actions proved what was in my heart...and it was really ugly.
I believe that I am saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Not good works, not baptism, not communion...nothing I can do "adds" to the work that Christ has done (dying on the cross for our sins). If I believed faith in Christ *plus* any of those things...I would be denying that Christ's sacrifice was sufficient. It would be saying His death was not "enough."
True faith in Christ results in a complete lifestyle change. I'm not saved by good works, but they are indicative of a changed life. Your actions will prove what's in your heart.
Doron and I were sharing with the boys the other night in bed. We asked them "If you stood before God and He asked...'why should I let you into Heaven'...what would you say?" Drew answered "because I'm good." But if being a good person was enough to save someone, why was it necessary for Jesus to die?
Now that I have given my life completely to God, do I still sin? Oh my goodness yes!!! I fall on my face DAILY. I fall out of step in my walk with God by not being in the Word consistently. We do a nightly Bible study with the boys, but that's not a substitute for my personal time reading the Bible. If I say I love God, but have no time for Him...how does that show that He is important to me? I have plenty of time to take pictures and be on the computer, but not 15 minutes a day to give to Him?
If you stood before God... and He asked why He should let you into Heaven, what would you say?
I hope you all have a blessed Easter weekend! ♥
Amen and amen!!!! There is no other way but through the blood. Good thing I don't have to be good enough. I would be working forever to get it right. Praise God I'm forgiven!!!!
I was looking forward to reading this and I'm so glad you shared. Although I think it's normal for many of us to have had a colorful 20s phase, it doesn't make it right. I'm just glad I survived it all. My mom and I talked about it the other day...and how we'd pull my sister out. I recall a letter she wrote about finding a man of God. It was the icing on the cake for me to turn my life around. I looked at who I was and who I wanted to be - I wanted to be a woman of God and marry a man that would walk with me in my relationship with God. I had none of that. It was a very short time when I met Jeremy...I remember crying over that letter and praising HIM for bringing that man to me at just the right time. Gosh, God is GOOD. I would still be a mess if I was in control.
What a BEAUTIFUL post Karli, absolutely heartfelt and beautiful!!!!
Thank You for sharing!!!
I wish you and your beautiful family a Most Blessed Easter!!! ♥
They are all right. This is a beautiful post. I hope you have a wonderful Easter Celebration at your house. It sounds to me like you are a wonderful family. thank you for sharing your walk with the rest of us.
My goodness, I needed to hear this tonight!! You are such an example to me, and I'm sure - many others! I think we all went through those colorful phases in our lives, when we knew what we were doing was wrong. But that is why I'm so thankful for the atonement. What a blessing to us that we can be forgiven, and learn and progress. Love it!
glad you shared your beliefs. I believe the same!
"The most important thought I ever had was that of my individual responsibility to God."
Daniel Webster
Amen, Karli! Thanks for sharing your testimony. And now I am singing. . . "What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus."
Have a blessed Easter celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior!
I'm quite certain that our Father in Heaven is shining on you today for glorifying and praising Him with your story! You shared so beautifully and in a way that I think can reach anyone. Thanks for blessing all of us with your light!
Thanks for sharing your story. I am so thankful for repentance in my life.
Awesome post Karli. If it wasn't for the resurrection we would have no hope. Thank you for being so open about your faith.
And SWEET shot!!!!
I would say, Let me in because I have but one Saviour, who dies for all of my sins, and although I continue to fail.. I know that He has made me washed clean....Thank you sweet Jesus!
thanks for posting about your faith - the words you write are so true - and it's a comfort that no matter how many times i fail - he still loves me and forgives me - and knowing where I will be living after my time here is over.
The photo you selected for todays post was perfect for that verse.
Beautiful post Karli. I was thinking of posting something with some depth to it today also, but I'm just not finding the words... Amen to what you've said here sister!
Yes, yes and yes! :D
Well said.
I missed you while away! Awesome post and AMEN!!!!!!
Love you :-D
Can't wait to show you my SOOC's from the workshop!
Amen to this post. I am glad you shared your testimony What a God we serve.
Have an awesome ressurection celebration.
I LOVE your blog and am so thankful for it! Love the sharing of your faith and the fun everyday moments too!
Thank you for the inspiration.
I featured this image and linked to you today!
Many blessings,
Amen Karli
This was an awesome post, Karli! We all have colorful phases in our lives when we make excuses for our behavior or think we're following God but we're leading and putting him on the backburner but then the time comes when He takes hold of us, shows us what we're doing is wrong and we breakdown and thats when He lets us cry on His shoulder, ask for His mercy and forgiveness and guidance in this life. We will definitely never be perfect and will fall short often but thats why we are human and children of God!! :)
beautiful post! and on a side note, I would love to know your set-up for that cool photo!!
Amen. Have so much more to say about this post, but I'm at work and the pregnant ladies are coming out of the woodwork. I love that you shared this, that's what I'll say for now.
Oh this was so beautiful Karli!! I'm so proud of you for being so bold about your faith in Christ!
Why am I going to heaven? I'm a sinnner saved by GRACE and that alone. Jesus made a way for me, by the shedding of His most precious blood on calvary.
Each day I thank Him for this. I'm so blessed and honored to live in a nation where I can say these words without fearing my life.
We may not have this freedom forever. I pray I would die for those words as many do daily in other parts of the world.
Sorry...you got me going with that question.
Love you and have a super blessed Easter weekend.
Thank you for being so open about your wonderful faith. It's so nice to be able to read this at a time when so many others shy away from talking about God and his awesomeness! We need more people like you!!
Beautifully written! So thankful you shared the true meaning of Easter...and life!! Praising the Lord for His provision of forgiveness and salvation! That picture is WAY cool, too!!!! I'm sure we're all dying for a tutorial on that! ;)
hehe. Ok, late again to the party, but that's ok, cause you'll still <3 me, right??? lol!
Amen! Preach it, Karli!! Thanks so so much for sharing your faith so boldly! It is definitely time to shout it out: we're running out of time to show people the way. I am blessed beyond messure to read this and know that we truly are sisters in Christ. (It actually sounds like you go to my church, because that's EXACTLY what gets preached at mine: IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED -- it's NOT Jesus + works or whatever...)
And it's so true -- good works won't cut it, but it's the FRUIT (actions) we display that show our true hearts. And some days, I think my fruit is pretty sweet and makes others want Jesus... other days, I think it's bruised and mashed on the ground... I pray that Jesus will even use those bruised pieces of fruit to somehow point others to Him.
I pray for your family often...
Amen and what a powerful and beautiful photo. WOW!!
Thanks for sharing your inspirational photo and story. Love the header pics too. May you walk a little closer to Him every day of your life...
Wow, you and I are so much alike. Thank you so much for sharing - and reminding me. Blessings!
Excellent post. Thank you for sharing. God bless!!
What a wonderful post Karli. You said is so well. Thanks for sharing. I am so thankful for God, I don't know where I would be without him. I know I would not be as calm as I am now with everything going on. Great photo also.
Love, love this post! So cool to hear your heart. :)
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