The goods:
1. pipe cleaners to make a Jesus figure
2. paints and brushes to paint the tomb
3. a rock to be placed in front of the tomb
4. fabric to wrap Jesus

Guess why I didn't get a lot of pictures of the kids doing this activity. :-)

(Just because your 2-year old wasn't interested in the making of the actual tombs, doesn't mean she won't want to paint one).
Here's what we will do on Friday:

And on Sunday morning...

The crown of thorns and blood are removed, the stone is rolled away, and Jesus is RISEN!!
I got an email from a friend on Monday after she had seen my Part I post the night before. Her email read "our tombs are in the oven..." It nearly brought tears to my eyes! How wonderful to teach our children the real meaning of Easter. ♥
There are plenty of tears over here as well!!!
What a wonderful way to share the "Greatest Story of All". Making memories Karli!
Love it! A great way to make the story come to life!
such a wonderful tradition! Have a blessed Easter
What a wonderful memory you are making for your kids. I totally love it!
You are wayyy talented & creative. Even with a crying 2 yr old tornado! :)
That is just awesome - that's really what it's all about!
Totally awesome!! Again (well, I think again) I love that you're teaching your kids that Easter is about Jesus dying for our sins and raising from the dead.... not really about bunnies, eggs, and candy. (growing up I never got how eggs came from bunnies and how they fit in with Jesus, anyway... but I wasn't going to turn down candy!! lol)
Hugs, sweet friend! and thanks for your note today.... again, you did my heart good!!
Such a creative idea!!
What a great idea; i'll have to do this next year!
We are loving this project. Little Miss is so excited about it and it has her talking about Jesus, so that is most important thing! Thanks for the idea, Karli! I'll send you a picture when it is all done. :-)
I love it!
WHat a fantastic IDEA!!! Love it. I feel so off balance this year with Easter. I need to spend some time with the Lord to get back on track! THanks for the sweet example!
SO cute, what a great craft..and love all your snaps sharing the sequence. :)
WOW Karli! I am so impressed with your creativity. Such an awesome way to teach kiddos the meaning behind Easter. Beyond just bunnies and eggs and jelly beans. Kudos :D
This is soo cute! I would love to make it next year. You guys really inspire me with your faith! Just curious, but what type of Christian are you? I am a Catholic. Again, this is a great tradition I would like to start!
Hi! I wanted to respond back to Irlgirl95. What a wonderful comment you left for me, thank you so much! :-) I would love to answer your question by email, but when I click on your name, it says your blog profile is not enabled, so I can't respond back to you. Would you please email me at and I would love to write you back. :-)
That is really, really cool! :D
I need to remember to do it next year. :) We have the resurrection eggs, and the kids enjoy them... but I'm sure they'd love to do this, too.
Love Part II as much as Part I!! That is such a sweet faith filled project todo together! And lol @ the pic of TT wanting to paint! My son would be the same!
Just getting around to comment. I LOVE this. Didn't have time this year, but SO doing it next year.
What an amazing gift of faith to share with the kids!
Creative way to teach important truth. Good job.
I have to make these next Easter! Such a great idea! :-)
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