(Seriously one of the coolest things I saw on our entire trip).

See? I'm keeping it brief. Here are a few shots from the next day as we head to Animal Kindgom.

I love this one. We thought we were going to have to surgically remove Livia from her papa at the end of our trip. To say she was enamored would be an understatement. She would gallop around him with a huge smile on her face saying "Papa! Yook at me!" :-)

I would have loved to have gotten more shots like the one above, and this one below; more creative, less point and shoot. I just didn't want to slow the kids down and take away from their excitement by stopping to snap pictures. For the shot below, the sun was setting and I could see in my mind exactly how it would look before I snapped the photo.

I want to say thank you so much for all the sweet comments and encouragement you've given me this past week. You even humored me with my signs post - LOL! Thank you! Have a wonderful Thursday. ♥
Pick. me. up. off. the. floor!!!!!so blessed to have so many posts!! love the one of TT and granpa!!!!LOVE IT!
You did a wonderful job capturing your trip! Especially if you were trying to keep the snapping to a minimum. I didn't comment on each post because I know you feel pressured to comment back etc :) but I read them all and enjoyed them SO much! xo
These are all so wonderful - even if you didn't have a "portrait" moment...these photos are priceless!
sweet and precious captures! love that last show - would look awesome in my new bathroom :-D
Ahh brings back memories. When we went to WDW, every night our littlest would be carried back by or on her daddy, completely zonked out. Most nights it was on his shoulders, or like a saved princess from the highest tower. Good times!! Beautiful photos!
Very nice! Love the one of Papa holding Livia!
LOVE that last shot! Definitely worth slowing down for that one! :) Great job!
WooHoo!!! Love it!
Great shots and can I just say I LOVE all of your posts!
so glad you captured the moment between your daughter and her Papa
TT and Papa... awwww!
LOVE that last shot, too. So pretty!!
I love the one of TT with her papa, such a precious moment! I'm enjoying living vicariously through your vacation!! :)
Karli, Karli, Karli! Where have I been? I just got caught up on this week's posts! Oh my goodness girl, where do I even begin???? You do know - don't you - without me having to say so, that I love love love love LOVE all these pictures from your trip - they are just PRICELESS! I LURVE them!
Now, what are we going to do about this girl? I want a notification system, so that as soon as you post something new, I get an email! Am I missing this somewhere? I NEED it! ;o)
These are all great photos, but that last one is especially lovely. Good job capturing your trip and being present in the moment at the same time!
Love the shot with her Papa. I have a great shot of my little one from the back walking away holding her Papa's hand.
That one of the clothesline is cool!
What a fun trip! I love, love, love the picture of the kids holding hands! It's just precious!
Love all these! And what a good mama you are, keeping your wishes to a minimum so you don't slow down your kiddos... as if they'd ever slow down! Glad that you got a few just for you, along with your 19million signs...
I love the B&W of Livia and her Papa - such a great shot of them together
I just LOVE all your Florida shots! I'm from Florida and am crazy about Disney, but we haven't been in about two years and are dying to go back. Thanks for the virtual trip! Your photography is so inspiring!
WOW - these are stunning. I love the last two shots :D The one of TT & Papa - so sweet. I bet he misses that little ball of fun like crazy :D Oh, and the last one of the flowers with the AMAZING bokeh is just BEAUTIFUL. Well done!
So happy you're back! Looks like you all had a great time! I've been looking at all the pics but I'll just comment once. GREAT vacation shots!
Love these, So natural and soft. You are doing great at just getting more natural every moment shots.
I love the bokeh of lights on the last shot!
Also, the Camera!Lights!Action! has been seen by me soooo many times, it's painful to even see the photos of it :) lol
Love the ones of them holding hands. So sweet.
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