I mean I loooooove signs.

Traffic, intersections...yep, I love it all.

Seriously, is it just me?

My mom tells a story of when she took me to the zoo as a toddler. When we got home, she asked me what we had seen that day. She even recorded my answer on a tape recorder. Yeah. That's right. Tape recorder. I'm old.

In a little toddler voice, I answered "signs!"

And now my story has come to an abrupt end because I have no more sign pictures to show.
And here's a shout out to Doron, my chauffeur...who humored me while I took 9 million pictures through the windshield going 75 miles an hour. ♥♥
Happy Wednesday! :-)
I love signs too, but have never seen enough interesting ones to take pictures of. Maybe when we move....
love signs... but seriously??? I think this is a record number of posts in under a week...not sure if I can handle it!
Love all the signs pictures! Cute story to go with it! I did a lot of recording when I was little....so fun!!
I'm pretty sure there is a deep meaning behind your love of signs, but I'm not sure what it is. Hmmm. . .you like to read and document where you've been maybe? ;-) You could also say it is a "sign" of high intelligence. That is how I prefer to explain away all my quirks. Fun shots btw!
Great shots! I need to start taking pics of signs...not sure I ever have :)
Just sayin' you are NOT OLD! Especially since I'm ahem just a few years OLDER than you!
Your shots are great even at 75 mph. he he he!
Hugs and much love!
Tape recorder LOL - I used to sing "Lucky Star" into My tape recorder thinking I would be the next madonna (even had the black rubber bracelets!!) - I think I might be older LOLOL
I love signs too - I tend to take pictures on our way to church every week because that's the only time I'm not driving it seems. And you're not that old. I had a tape player and tape recorder too.
I think I recognize most of those signs. You were in my stomping grounds LOL. I like signs too but I don't think as much as you ;)
Those are great shots - love the colors!
O I should do one for my photo of the day! A SIGN! Thanks for the idea. Totally will post it to my FB 365 a day album!
Do we also need to give a shout out to Doron for keeping the windshield so clean? :) Great shots & such clarity. I'm waiting for sunrise & sunset beach pics. :)
Too cute. I still have some old tapes, and my stereo has a tape player still on it.
There is something about signs I like too, just the strength if them for me .. Thanks for sharing all these great sign shots. It lets us to get to know you a little more. Love it.
Well you make signs, traffic and intersections look really good! :)
I love a good sign too. Funny seeing so many that I recognize. :-)
Well, they do tell you where you are, where you're going, and what you might see when you get there. ;)
I still have tapes. My van only has a tape deck, no cd player. :D
Love all of these.
the sky is gorgeous and I love the tones and colors <3!
The question is now, were you paying ATTENTION to those signs??? hehe!!
Love these -- and while I may not share quite as much enthusiasm for the variety of signs that you so happily enjoy, I am guilty as well of taking lots of sign shots at 75mpr -- or asking hubby to slow down so I can get the shot! lol!!
These are fun!
Oh, and hey!!!!!!!!!
I still listen to a few tapes!!!!!!!
really. I do.
cause I'm too cheep to try to buy the cd or the mp3's.
and the tapes still work.
Just as Livia might respond to you today if you asked her what she liked most about her trip to the zoo - "SIGNS" ^_^
We found an old cassette tape of my brother saying "This is agent double oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh seven..." of course it took us a few days to find a cassette PLAYER to play the cassette on. LOL
Love your signs.
It's fun to see some familiar signs.....on your blog!!
Stop it Karli! You're freakin' me out!!!!
I too love signs. We joke about being the same person, but I'm seriously beginning to wonder!
My 'sign' affliction also extends to.....
wait for it......
LABELS! Like the labels inside clothes. With all their creative funky little names! I actually have a post ready to go about that particular affliction.
If you say that you too collect photos of labels? Then that last little doubt that we couldn't possibly be "The Same Person!!!!" will finally be shattered. ;)
Fun photos. I love taking photos of signs too!
Well someone has to love them right!? Plus its a nice way to document and remember your trip! And omg how stinkin cute that you answered "sings" to your Mommy as a toddler! And no you're not "old"! Hehe lovin your sign work!!
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