So I'm curious...would you guys mind leaving me a comment telling me what image host you use to upload photos on your blog? I see many of you use Flickr (that's what I used for this picture)...and I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do it. It seems like no one uses Photobucket except me. Hmmmmm. Anyone?
I'd love to love Flickr, but it oversharpens my thumbnails which kind of bugs me a bit, but I don't think it oversharpened my picture below. Maybe it's just the thumbnails in the photostream? Help/suggestions? Thank you so much! :-)
OK, now on to the picture at hand. A word of warning to any of my feet phobia friends. The following picture contains 30 little toes - beware! (Lori, can we still be friends after this?) ;-)

I'm happy to report that my genes prevailed in the feet department, and all three of my kiddos have toes that go neatly in order...tallest to shortest. The correct way. My husband will argue that the second toe being longer than the big toe is the correct way. It's not.
(You know I'm kidding, right)?
So there's my picture for week 15, uploaded through Flickr. It seemed to work out OK - yay! I had to upgrade my Photobucket account because I exceeded the maximum amount of storage space. Is the same true with Flickr? I'd love any comments about how you upload your photos! Thanks! ♥
I think this is really cute and I don't think your photo is oversharpened at all - I sometimes feel the same way with my thumbnails but I don't notice anything wrong with this photo. Just join the rest of us on Flickr already!
I use photobucket and right now it's destroying the look of my blog. Boooo! I have a flickr account, I suppose I should just transfer all of my photos over there. Hmm... I just keep thinking photobucket will get their act together.
I love feetsie pictures! I'm hoping my feet prevail with Bennett, too. Cause my hubby's aren't super attractive. Ha ha.
I love it!
I only use photobucket. I'm too cheap to pay for a pro version so I ran out of space on flickr. Besides that I've been using photobucket for 7 years....
Yay for the correct kind of toes!! :giggle :D
Looks good to me. :) I have both Flickr and Photobucket... but I'm lazy and usually just upload my pics into Blogger... and they get stored with Picasa.
Love sweet little feet shots!
LOve the toesies shot!!! I had a lot of clients that wanted shots like that last year!!!
I am totally lazy, like I never spell check or anything.. so I load my shots into blogger, and picassa is the default...
I know i may regreat that one day.. but it works for now!
I use flickr and pay formthe upgrade on storage but only recently. They dint toss anything so it's still available for when you want to upgrade. Besides it's cheap. But I mostly just resize for web and upload to blogger right from my computer. I mostly use flickr for photo groups. I rarely upload to my blog from flickr. I don't know if that is good or bad.
Cute photo ! I was on a few other blogs . They where having the same problem.
I love the toes. so much. :) children's toes are such a fantastic thing. :) great pic. :)
LOL!!!! Ha~! I'm with Doron - my second toe is bigger - never argued it was normal thought :-D
I use flickr. But all of my posts are written from Windows Live and then I put pictures in there right from my computer. I store many photos on photobucket and heard they are having many issues. UGH! I guess I need to get stuff off of there.
Hugs and love!
Cute shot Karli!
Flickr is the way to go! As long as the image you grab off flickr is the EXACT SIZE uploaded, it should show up perfectly on your blog. Yes, I do believe they sharpen the thumbnails when you're viewing on flickr... but else is sharpened. If you grab a smaller size than what you uploaded, it'll look soft.
I meant to say "nothing else is sharpened".
I guess I'm behind the times because I just take them off my hard drive and put them straight in on wordpress. I better check in to something else. Hmmm
CUTE little feet your kiddos have!!! I understand the meaning in having those toes right. Mine are just like that and my hubby has the second long toe. Ugh! HA!
I've been too busy to check into anything else except loading them straight from my computer. So I can't offer advice on your decision. But I'm interested to see what you do; I'm needing to do something (so maybe I can just copy you :) ). Oh, and I love the picture :)!!
I just load mine straight into that bad? lol. I did pay for a storage upgrade but it was only $5. I should start using flickr though!
I use Pix-O-Sphere and love it! Check it out!
I guess I should give you a little more detail than that! Pix-O-Sphere is a "Family Friendly Photo Community for hosting, sharing, and selling photos."
Love the capture of the cute teos.
I myself have used photobucket but then it was not working for me would not up load my stuff, so I just do it thru blogger, in my edit i resize for web then on blogger change the size option to the size of my picture, but I do have a flicker account but can never remember my pass word.
Karli, this picture is fabulous!! I love toes and feet..... and your kids do have perfectly aligned toes....LOL!!
I use flickr, have used it almost since the beginning of my blog. If you do the free flickr account they only give you so much bandwidth, if you pay $26 a year, you get unlimited. It is SO WORTH it to me. I think it is a little faster than photobucket as well. That site was always so slow for me that is how I ended up on flickr in the first place.
Hope you are well..... I love seeing what you come up with. Your photos are always so creative and fun....and of course your kiddos are as cute as can be.
OK, LOVE IT!!!!! Just wanna start singing this little piggie!!!
such an adorable picture!! I have really sad toes...the piggie toe drops off like three floors lower than the other toes. What the heck toes!! hahaha. We are happy that it doesn't appear that my daughter inherited my toes! hahah
First off, love this pic.
I'm a Flickr gal! I resize my photos first and then upload them into flickr and transfer into my blog. They have a nifty uploading thing you can download that makes it slick. I always put the resized imaged into flickr and not the original full size. I do pay for the upgraded account, but it's pretty cheap and I think it's worth it. Whenever I uploaded right from my computer into blogger my images seemed soft. But with flickr they are nice and sharp (but not too sharp like you were saying about the thumbnails). Plus I love the community on flickr! I've met some really great people through their photo groups and discussions. Hope that helps! :-)
Adorable piggies post! I upload to Blogger but like Flickr too!
How gorgeous are those feet! I have no phobia and LOVE feet! Ps thanks for your message - I think sometime in text things come across not exactly how they appear and I obviously read it wrong if you didn't even read my comment! lol so it's all cool :-)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your piggy pic! I have wanted to try this with my lil' dudes but their piggies seem way too wiggley to capture...*sigh*
Anyway, yup - I use Flickr and haven't had a problem - I have a pro account because I way exceeded the free account -but I think it is only $25/year. And I had to laugh a little.... I don't think I have a discerning enough eye to even know if they are oversharpening my photos! I know, I know - I am hopeless :D
So cute! I have a pic of all our feet like this hanging above our bed. I don't think this looks over sharpened at all. Looks good! I upload all mine directly to my blog from my computer but I know TONS of people that use flickr. And while I love flickr I think I might just be lazy.... ;)
I love the shot, but then, I am partial to foot shots!
I use flickr, and I pay for pro, which gives additional (I believe unlimited) storage. I also upload directly to my blog, but then, I don't know what I'm doing.
I just use my computer, so I couldn't begin to tell you which is better. Love the toe shots. There is just something about feet that makes me laugh!
I love this shot! Something about the undersides of kid toes are so cute to me!
I use Flickr, I upgraded to the pro and use it as a back-up for all my pics. I store everything there, not just blog pictures. I've been really happy with it!
I love the foot picture, super cute. I like toes that gradually go in order from largest to smallest.
I've used Photobucket since it was run by some guy sitting in his underwear at the computer with a Coke and a bag of chips in the middle of the night. LOL. Ok, almost.....really. I've used them WAY LONG BEFORE they were as professional as they are now. But I recently switched to Flickr (because I wanted to know what the fuss was about) and so far it's ooookay. I don't know. Maybe I just don't like change. But your pic looks good; no oversharpening that i can see. ;)
I love these photo. So cute. I use flickr. :)
that was suppose to be *this
so cute! A treasured photo!
Great shot! I have a question, is it necessary to have a host for photos? Can you just upload them to a blog from your computer? Am I doing something wrong after all this time? lol :)
love the feet! great shot
Ok, first -- adore those toes!!
Next, I don't think the pic is too sharpened or anything.
Thirdly, I use flickr. I do have a few pics on blogger/picasa albums, but the majority are stored on flickr. I already use flickr as an offsite backup for all my shots, so it made sense to me to include a set of my blogged pics. And since I pay the $25/year I have unlimited storage so I'm not needing to worry about it. I don't notice any sharpening/color changes I see others point out, so maybe it's me not seeing/caring, but I'm happy with it.
this has got to be one of my fav's!!! I love the toe photo - great idea!!
Hmmm. . .I just upload the pictures right from my computer to my blog. I use wordpress and have my own domain name, so I don't know if that is why it works that way. Anyhow, that is what I do and it works great.
As for the toes - maybe you shouldn't tell your hubby that at our house we call 2nd toe longer toes "princess toes". We have some of both here - the right way and the wrong way (you decide which is which). ;-)
Bahahahahbahahahabaahaha! Karli girl, it will take more than that for us not to be friends! ;o)
Now listen, I don't know about you - but children feet and toes are COMPLETELY acceptable - as a matter of fact, I love them, they don't freak me out at all! Not even if they are dirty! It is those adult ones that TOTALLY CREEP ME OUT!
So others are having a hard time seeing your pictures? Did I tell you that when I am at work, no matter whether I read your blog through Explorer or Firefox I can not ever see your pictures. When I read it at home, I can always see your pictures - whether through Explorer or Firefox?! Weird, huh?!
Oh, and by the way - this photo is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLY FABULOUS!!!!! I LOVE it!
Please print and send me the "30 toes" photo and the "branches & bokeh" photo. I need to hold them in my hands in opposed to sending you my hands to hold them....ewwwwww.
Just send me the dang photos! ;)
Nice shot! And, yea, it does take all kinds to comment on a feet shot lol :)
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