This morning on my coffee run, I noticed this tree so I pulled over to snap a shot. I love the heart shape formed by the branches. It reminded me of something that I will be posting about soon.

Nope, not a morning snack. Just cleaning out my kitchen cabinets. Time for me and the colored popcorn to part ways.

Livia was playing at the table this morning so I decided to experiment again with backlighting. Backlighting and I have not been on speaking terms since last summer, but I will figure it out.

Here I am breaking 'photographing kids rule #1': wash child's face before taking a picture. I will wait for your praise as you admire my hard work with the spot and patch tools.

Say hi to Posey Poserton.

Playing a bit of peekaboo on the deck after Livia's nap.

Is this the cutest wreath you've ever seen?! I won a giveaway on my friend's blog, and this was one of many beautiful things I received. This sweet gal is the person totally responsible for getting me interested in photography. We were real life friends a million years ago, lost touch, reconnected on Facebook...and that's where I discovered her blog. (I didn't even know what a blog was before last year, seriously)! Click here to see all the things I won! ♥

A few hours later...

You guys...I'm OLD! (New eye cream from the dermatologist to prove it).

Have I told you how in love I am with my new washer and dryer? *squeal!!!!*

This is a serious piece of machinery. I've drooled over my sister-in-law's for years and always find an excuse to do laundry when we stay with her. (Hi Maya)! ♥ Doron and I joked when we first got it we wanted to pull up lawn chairs, crack open a Coke, and just watch it spin.

I'm still on my wearing glasses I literally can't even see my computer screen right now. Not quite sure what these last few pictures look like, but you get the idea...a few snapshots of my day.
Have a great weekend!
Love them all of course, but the catch lights in Tornado's Posey shot are awesome.
And I am not jealous of your new washer/dryer. Nope, not one bit. OK. Maybe I am... I have "new to me set" that even came with well water stains. Oy.
Yay for backlighting!! I heart backlighting. :-)
I need me some of that eye cream.
Envious of your new washer. It looks pretty.
Love your snapshots.
I love em all! I'm so jealous of how well you can make something like a dryer look!
Love em all! I'm thinking The Way I See It would make a great link up...if you ever wanted to do that sort of thing ;)
Love the pictures of your little sweet heart. They are gorgeous!
That's too funny that you mentioned backlighting. I just told the hubby that I am bound and determined to figure this beast out and conquer it! If I could, maybe I could take some decent pictures outside between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm! So wonderful to see a glimpse into your day (with an artistic flair of course!)
I love the peekaboo shot and the last washing machine shot. That's such a cool perspective. I've never thought of taking a picture of the inside of the washer and yet it's amazing looking!
These are all terrific!
So all the shots here are nothing short of GORGEOUS lady! I love the heart shape in the tree branch/blossoms and the portraits of TT are just WOW! I love the sepia-ish B&W!
And SOO jealous of that washer/dryer! HEHE I would so love to have one! :D
The b & w of your little sweetie and the peek-a-boo shot. . . love those!
Fun post, Karli.
Gorgeous shots as always. That tree is just beautiful!
YEAH for amazing new washer/dryer!!! Almost makes laundry fun doesn't it!! I'm telling you again, your pictures of things are spectacular!! That bowl of cereal..those flowers..the duckie;0. You have a gift and eye cream does not mean old just means you take care of yourself..shoot I had to start using that stuff at 22 because I already had dark circles under my are a hot getting around it missy!
You know how much I love these posts - but I'd much rather tag along during your day. So I could turn the camera on you...and then watch you fuss at me to put it away. That sounds like fun. I'm in love with the wreath - might have to get one! And your poser...I think she just got a new nickname. I think we should all watch America's Next Top model now.
great shots as always! Love the blossoms...I'm dying for blossoms to bloom here so I can take pictures of them! :). and that wreath is awesome, lucky you! have a nice weekend!
Jealous Jealous !! I would like a new washer & dryer like you have! LOL. Our old ones are on their last legs... soon enough I suppose! :)
Great photos as always! :)
Love the washer and dryer!! :D Would love to get the same someday. :)
Love the peekaboo shot, and the duck shot, and those blossoms are gorgeous.
love the posey poserton shot!! Too cute -and yes i am jealous of your new washer and dryer -
especially since laundry is my favorite chore -
have a great weekend
thanks for the link to your buddy's blog
heading over there now
these are great as always. Livia is getting bigger by the minute.
Yep those washer and dryers rock!!!
The bath shot reminds me of a new candle site I found you should check it out... candles by victoria. she has a candle called bath time with pooh it is the dupe of a lush soap honey i washed the yougens.
I feel you on the dirty toddlers' faces thing. We have that same issue. Photoshop is my friend.
LOVE the b and w of your daughter though. Beautiful shot.
Your daughter is just the cutest little girl and so comfortable in front of the camera. I would rather watch my frontload washer than the TV, anyday.
Beautiful shots of your day! I thought about doing something like this as well,(seeing it was *that* day.... you know...) but I didn't and I'm ok with it! :) Besides, mine would have consisted of walking the dog, going to work, walking the dog, cooking my own dinner and dessert, going to bed. Not very exciting! hehe! But I actually had a really great day!!
Anyway, back to you!
Love the first shot -- totally saw the heart, and love the blue sky behind it!
Miss PP (as in Posey Poserton) is way way to adorable! Love these shots of her! And I may be able to help some w/ the back lighting, if you want... but I love your shot!
And when my folks got a new washer like that... I kid you not, I quickly found some laundry and sat on the kitchen floor watching it, taking several pics, just enthralled. No coke, no chairs... just me and the dog on the floor, my folks laughing! hehe! I can't *wait* to get one of my own.... but that'll still be several years from now, I have a feeling!
p.s. I copied this just incase google decides to trash my comment again, just so I don't have to try to recreate it over and over and over... lol!!!
pps. good thing I did, because it did trash it!! GURR!!! Happy Saturday!!!
Totally hear ya on the washer. I bought my first LG front loader geezzz a good 5 years ago- I am still so in love with it. So much so that even though the hubs bought me a beautiful new set - I just can't part with my LG. I visit it in the garage every so often :)
Love the black & white! Would you believe I took a rubber duckie shot, too, but I wasn't sure about posting it lol. Love yours!
Helloooo Sweet Karli!
How was your weekend? What about that horrendous wind yesterday? Goodness gracious that was disgusting! Today turned out beautiful around 5:30 here, we went for a bike ride, got rained on, but it was a beautiful rain, coming straight down with no wind and the sun was out.
Ok, now I must tell you - did you know when I commented on your last post, I was at work, and could not see your pictures, I just had to imagine - and wow, I didn't imagine just how awesome they were!!!
And this post - GORGEOUS pics! Love the heart shaped flowers and branches! The colored popcorn while beautiful, looked a little too sweet for me! And tell me, the pic of TT on your deck playing peekaboo (LOVE IT) - ummm, how on earth is your outdoor rug on your deck cleaner than my rugs in my house?
So tell us about the eyecream! Is it magical? I want to go to a dermatologist! I just ordered some new facial products, I'll let you know how they work!
I have to admit I love the name 'Posey Poserton' more than TT! ;o)
Love the night shot of your neighborhood!!!!
And am so jealous of your new washer and dryer!!
♥ Lori
She's the cutest!!!! I love that washer/dryer, jealous!!!!!
What a lovely "everyday" collection! Your little girl is so cute! Ashley Sisk directed me your way and I am so glad she did! She suggested you for an upcoming photography feature, and I would love to send you an email about it, but don't see contact info here. So, if you want to email me, my address is bloggybranson(at)gmail(dot)com and I will get it to you! :)
Gorgeous photos. That popcorn looks yummy! I am jealous of your new washer and dryer! Hope you had a good weekend. Have a wonderful week!!
Cool Photos. And I'm using another of yours here:
Thanks! wb
Love the shot inside the washer! (or was that dryer???)
We're finally all settled in! Right now we're at the library using their internet because we're not sure when we'll get ours set up. Good to read your blog again.
Oh where, oh where has my blogging friend gone? Oh where, oh where could she be?? Miss ya! :)
That eye cream shot is amazing, should be an ad! Looks like another great week at your house. XO
OK, these were so much FUN!! I've never got on speaking terms with back-lighting either!
Let me know when you do and HOW you did!! got some incredible shots of your gorgeous girl!! I'm impressed!
Before you know it, she'll demand pictures...(ha ha!)
And now I'll repent of "washer envy"!!
You rock♥
That eye cream shot is such a beautiful product shot! Like seriously magazine material. You need to start selling your shots on those stock photo sites. Love the bw of tt too!
Knock Knock . . . . .
Who's there?
Not Karli!
What the heck is up girlie? I need some of your eye candy! :o)
Just wanted you to know I am thinking of you!
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