It's amazing how quicky fine dining can turn into a gag-fest when your 2-year old loudly announces "I FIND GUM!!!" and proceeds to pull a huge glob off the underneath side of the table.
2. After the chewing gum faux paux, the aforementioned two-year old is able to redeem herself by catching a shrimp in her mouth just like the guys. (No kidding).

3. I've become quite the couponer lately thanks to TLC's Extreme Couponing. I've always used coupons here and there, but I didn't realize there was a science to it. I've been studying various blogs to learn how to do it right. Check out one of my recent trips.

Guess how much I paid for all the products shown above?? $7.42 total!!! See those razors standing up on the right side? Those are $10.00 razors, and I paid 89 cents each for them! See the yellow boxes of fish oil in the back? Walgreens paid ME $2.00 for each box I took!
4. If you're curious how it's done, here's an example. See the 2 shampoos and 1 conditioner below? I paid 46 cents TOTAL for the three! (I should have used a lego man or something for scale. It's hard to tell, but these bottles are huge!)

Here's how I got all THREE for 46 cents:
Each bottle was $5.99, for a total of $18.00
I had 2 $3.00 coupons (printed from Target's website) and 2 $2.00 coupons (from the Sunday paper).
Now my total is 3 bottles for $8.00
Target had a promotion where if you buy three John Frieda products, you get a $5.00 gift card back.
Now my total is 3 bottles for $3.00 (Actually $3.46 after tax).
When I paid, the cash register generated a $3.00 coupon for my next John Frieda product which I will definitely use.
So the total for 3 bottles is $.46! Woot!
We only use organic bath products so this was a little out of my comfort zone, but it's reeeeally hard to pass up products at this price. I won't use these on the kids...just for me and Doron. (And yes, Doron is happily using his poisonous Nivea shaving gel pictured above).
5. Someone stop me now because I will go on for hours about how much money I saved on each particular item at each particular store.
Other family members have gotten on board.

6. I'd forgotten about this picture I took a couple weeks ago. I didn't post it because I was using my 50mm f/1.4 and my aperture was too wide causing my focus to be softer than I like.
Sometimes I do this while taking a picture to get TT to look at me:

Perhaps my pictures would be sharper if I wasn't holding my camera with one hand and bonking myself on the head with my lens cap with the other. Something to think about.
7. While I'm not opposed to dolls being anatomically correct, with 2 boys in the house I'm seriously re-considering my recent purchase of the little Disney princesses with interchangeable outfits. WOW.
8. Last week we took a trip to the Omaha Zoo. We're not avid zoo-goers, so it had been a year since our last visit. I asked TT what animal she was excited to see and she said a dragon. Yep, we better get her to a zoo pronto.
{A special thank you to the white-throated monitor who was an acceptable substitute for the much anticipated dragon).
9. I'm not sure the animals were ready for my tiny tornado whirling through the zoo like a maniac.

Many were caught off guard.

Some eyed her warily.

Some cowered in fear.

10. But others...

...just plain weren't impressed.

So those were our happenings for the week. What's new with you? :-)
Have a great Tuesday! ♥
I am so impressed with your couponing skills! I really need to go to a class on them or something!
I need to start couponing. What blogs have you learned from?
I am so tired of grocery shopping as I do my best and I still feel like I'm overspending... but based on my budget I only spend $17 a day for a family of six. Ugh.... I used to do coupons but got tired of all the work.
And now I'm rambling.
Love the shots at the zoo. We love going to the zoo. We go so often we have where the animals are located memorized... crazy. But I do have a kid who has dreamed of being a zookeeper since he was 3.
So now not only are you a photography inspiration to me, but a couponing inspiration as well! haha. LOVE the pictures from the zoo, amazing.
LOVE the zoo photos. Too funny.
I have a friend who is into couponing. She gets quite passionate about it. I haven't made the leap yet.
Always enjoy your shots and captions. Wow! on your coupon savings. My hubby keeps suggesting I use coupons but they overwhelm me or at least the piles of clutter they quickly become overwhelm me.
Very impressive coupon shopping! I love your zoo pictures. Nice job on those!
You kill me! Great zoo pics. And cracking up about bonking yourself in the head. I should try that! :) Great job on couponing!
I love your zoo pictures and captions. Hilarious!! ;0)
Thanks so much guys! ♥ This comment is for Just Jen... I tried to comment back to you, but your email isn't linked to your blog and it won't let me see your email address. So sorry! I tried to comment on your blog, but it's not letting me... I think it must be that recent Blogger problem that seems to be going around. Weird, huh?
I just wrote you a long email - LOL! if you can email me at I'll send you the info. If anyone else is curious, one of the extreme couponing blogs that has been really helpful to me is:
I love your zoo photos, they are amazing. Your little girl and her glasses is awesome too! The couponing thing is beyond cool how people do that. I am going to have to look into it.
Seriously, you make me laugh every time you write one of these posts. I had no idea you were an extreme couponer. Could you teach me a few lessons because I clearly spend too much money and Jeremy said we may have to cut our expenses. Also, the zoo trip...I'm in tears. Seriously, best story ever!
That last gorilla pic KILLED ME!! XD
She likes ABC gum, huh? ;) I had a brother that liked it, too. He's now 6'7". :D
That's some awesome couponing!! I wish we could get them in Canada...
You are too funny!
Love every photo :-D
Beyond funnEEEEE!
Hugs and glad you survived the zoo!
#8 made me laugh out loud! Oh how I love these posts....I needed a little chuckle today. We're ready for some pool days over here!
I wish I were the "coupon-ing type" but I'm just TOO particular about the items I buy to get whatever the promo is for. But more power to ya lady! You rock those coupons-hah! And I love seeing what people can get for pennies on the dollar.
A post I just needed! I loved the photos from the zoo. And I agree, not only do I love your photos, but I also love your thoughts on couponing....I'm inspired!
Awesome post. I too wish they had more coupons for organic things I shop at my natural foods store..
Love the zoo pics.
I alwasy look forward to your 10 on Tuesday posts, but they are filled with so much, I never know where to start first when I come to comment.....
Of course I love every single photo...especially the ones of TT. good to know that I am not the only mama one handing the big camera trying to do everything in her power with the other hand to get my child's attention....including hitting myself on the head!!!
We might need to have a serious conversation about the couponing.....Seriously??? I am amazed at what you paid for those products...>AMAZED!! I watch a few shows on TLC and in fact last night saw the coming attactions for the extreme couponing show. I may need to tune in.
Hope all is well in your world. I heard you had a wonderful week with Doron's Mom visiting. We are still in school here, but just a day away from the end...thank heaven!
Happy Summer to you and your precious family:)
love the pictures of TT and could you please keep sharing more of your learned tricks with couponing. I need all the help I can get and I love that you saved so much!!! Thanks for the info!!
Okay the picture of Livia with the glasses reading the paper insert is AMAZING! Who cares if it's a bit soft, I'm in love with it. And I need lessons from you on how to coupon. I've been wanting to do it but it seems so intimidating! And I love your zoo pictures. Keep the 10 on Tuesdays coming; they always make me smile :)
great job with the coupons - i've been better at it but sometimes the coupons just arent for items i would normally purchase - hope your summer is going great!!
I want to learn how to coupon. So awesome. Great zoo photos. You had me laughing.
Good photos.
Couponing - take a lot of time?
Great shot of TT! :)
OK that is one fat ape at the bottom Of the post LOL!
(p.s. we have the same carters dress for Jules - I am loving their dresses this spring/summer!)
Loved this post. Impressive couponing!
Oh Karli,
How greatly I have missed your blogging! :o)
I am so impressed with your couponing! Wow, it is something I never take the time to do! I loved hearing about it - and in smaller terms, unlike those on Extreme Couponing - that just boggles my mind!
The pictures of TT are BEAUTIFUL, and her with the glasses looking at the ad - I love it!
And the zoo, the zoo, the zoo, I have not been in so long and want to go back so bad! My daughter Mogan was there last week.
And the gorilla pics crack me up!!!
You are AWESOME!
LOVE the photos of Livia!
I've never loved you more!
I love your '10 on Tuesdays', so "bonus!!!!" right there.
Then "I find gum!!!", couponing, AND the zoo photos?
Please Please Please begin a "Couponing Summer Camp". I'm absolutely addicted to the Extreme Couponing show too but had no idea how to begin. Until now. ;)
(We could have camp t-shirts and everything!!!!)
Your photos make me wanna go to the zoo! I wanna see a big ole gorilla! GEEZ. (Im really a big kid ok!) haha. But no-that first photo of Livia is goge-muh-riffic! (Made that word up on the SPOT! Mixture of gorgeous-amazing-terrific!) :D
Oye, not sure where to start! Love this post and all the cute stories!! :)
Yay you for couponing -- I do watch the ads for what's on sale before shopping, but I don't do anything too "extreme" -- although we've seen the shows and Jeremy's starting to get the sunday papers for me... :) We'll see what happens.
Your zoo trip and commentary cracked me up!! Love em!!
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