Happy Wednesday! Thank you so much for your wonderful comments yesterday! There seems to be a lot of interest in couponing...and I'm happy to share. :-)
A couple things...
1. I wanted to let you know I'm still having trouble commenting on some of your blogs. It makes me sign in over and over, and I'm unable to leave a comment. I had the same problem on my blog a couple weeks ago, and found a solution here. It totally fixed the problem. Please check out the link if you are still having commenting issues through Blogger. It's such an easy fix! (Blogger is working on fixing this glitch, so this is a work-around for now. It affects people using Internet Explorer as their browser).
2. Also, here are a few of the couponing blogs I read:
The Krazy Coupon Lady
Common Sense with Money
Totally Target
I'm not going to lie...it takes a lot of time and effort as you're trying to make sense of all the information. But it's totally worth it! I saved probably $300.00 in the past 4 weeks alone. I'm literally walking out of stores with free items: band-aids, razors, Motrin, rolls and rolls of Scotch tape, toothbrushes, mouthwash (name brand everything, not some weird store brand)... oh, and today I got $8.50 worth of free Sharpie hi-lighters at Office Max! Just walked in, gave them my coupon and walked out. :-)
3. Before you click on the links above, please click on this link first: The title is What is Free or Cheap at Drugstores Starting 6/12. It gets overwhelming knowing where to start. I've spent hours and hours researching, but this post will show you right away that free items are possible.
A few of you had questions/comments about couponing in general (and you're totally right).
*It seems like it takes a lot of time - yes, totally! Hours and hours!
*It seems like there are lots of coupons for products I don't use - definitely true! There are tons of grocery items that I don't buy, so I just skip over those coupons. I have better luck and Walgreens and CVS getting super cheap/free items like paper goods (toliet paper, paper towels, Ziploc bags, tinfoil) and bath items (razors, toothbrushes, deodorant, mouthwash, etc). My favorite recent freebie: Crest Total Care Mouthwash. The huge bottles were on sale for $4.00, and CVS gave me back a register reward for $2.00. I had a $2.00 coupon from the Sunday paper, so...free mouthwash! (I got 4 giant bottles of it).
*Oh, and if you've watched the show Extreme Couponing you'll see people getting like 80 deodorants (or whatever) for free. I've never bought/got more than 4-5 of one item at a time. I'm not a person that likes to draw attention to myself, so I do it pretty low-key.
I'm going to stop there with the couponing info. :-) I'm not great at explaining things and I'm still new to it as well. It takes time to learn!
And now, an SOOC of Livia I took this evening. It has been cloudy for 2 days straight, so I thought perfect... let's go out while we have some even lighting for a few pictures. The second, and I mean SECOND we got in the car, the sun came out full force - ahhhh! So poor TT was in the blinding sun in the middle of a field of flowers. It may have been harsh lighting, but I got a pretty blue sky! :-) More pictures coming this week, but here's a preview.

You guys know I'm not always able to visit everyone back that leaves a comment, but if you leave a question for me...please know I will make it a point to respond. If you don't hear from me, check back in the comment section on my blog. It just means I wasn't able to contact you.
Have a great one! ♥
that is a STUNNING SOOC shot! I just love it, can't wait to see more!
That is GORGEOUS!! :D
I've watched Extreme Couponing a few times... and I've watched Hoarders a few times... and they seem very similar. ;) I couldn't do it to extremes, but having a few extra things around can't hurt.
I emailed you and fixed comments on my blog. I just have to figure out how to have my email show up on my blog now.....
go you on couponing!!!!!
no time to learn that one now :-D
awesome SOOC!!!! GORGEOUS!!!
hugs and love!!!
I can't wait til you share more from this set...based on what I've seen...it's awesome. Now I'm off to learn how to save money. I'm such a bargain shopper.
thanks for the info.. I have a neighnor that teached a class in extreme couponing..
Blogger is acting crazy. It wouldn't let me comment my first try on this post but now it is. You are cracking me up with the couponing. It seems like so much work! And gorgeous shot of Liv!
Thanks for taking the time to e-mail me! I changed my settings on my comment section- thanks for letting me know. Love that photo of Livia, can't wait to see the rest you took!
Great photo! Please tell me where that field of flowers is!
Thanks for this link about commenting on blogger. I've had trouble with that for weeks.
Does anyone have a solution for this problem - not being able to see followers? I can't see the ones on my blog or anyone else's.
OK ... OK ... You sparked my interest. I am soooo bad at coupons - I don't have the time (Ok yes, lame excuse!!) - I am going to make the whole-hearted attempt to try and do it. :) Thanks for the great info!! And I just looove the yellow flowers!
these are awesome shots. Thanks for the coupon links I will check them out.
such great shots of the Tiny Tornado.
So how did you edit these? I like the soft hazy effect. I have always wanted to know to get do this edit... can you stop by my blog and share?
I love that SOOC. Looks gorgeous! I really need to start couponing.
You are truly one amazing gal! :o)
The pictures of TT in the field of yellow flowers are FABULOUS, just FABULOUS! :o)
your series of shots of this precious little girl are wonderful ~ so soft and pretty
I was having the same trouble commenting, uncheck the box which asks you to "stay signed/logged in". Once I did that it was an instant fix.
You are my hero. I may still learn more about couponing and next thing you'll know, I'll be getting all sorts of free stuff myself! :)
Love the TT pic!
Just wanted you to know I finally figured out how to get my own soft hazy look with out using actions...
duplicate your pic layer put to soft light. Make a new layer as white put to normal mode to opacity of like 20%. Do not know if that is the right way but it works for me!
these pictures are so beautiful and summery! So in the moment natural and bright/warm! LOVE them!!
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