And before you leave my blog thinking I'm some type of snooty super-mom, I will let you know that I am a scatterbrained, disorganized mess half the time. But I am a bit of a nutrition fanatic.
And yes, I did let them eat the Fruit Loops. Just this once. :-)
Edit: For the record, child #3 ate three death disks and flung the rest to the floor, shaking her little blond curls and saying "No mo'! No mo'!" Child #2 didn't want anything to do with the cereal, and child #1 ate every last one, even the Fruit Loop dust.
Edit #2: I just want to say a special thank you to One Country Girl for choosing me as last week's Macro Friday winner! Thank you for making my day! :-)
Head on over to Macro Friday to see some more cool shots!

Awesome shot!!! What a great idea!!! And great job on being a "nutrition fanatic"!!!! I wish that I could be more of one!!!!
Yes, but you are OUR scatterbrain, disorganized mess!!!
YEA!!! Way to go, Collin::))
this shot has beautiful composition imo... I love it... and I love that it's different!
I really love this photo! I love the simplicity...and the colors are great.
Gosh, you are talented like crazy!! I love this!
I like how you arranged them in the colors of the rainbow.
Congrats, congrats! I visited Blogging from Bolivia for the first time today and guess what I saw. I headed over here the next moment to check out your winning entry. You totally deserve it girl!
I love this shot so much I want to replicate it...but I can't now that you did it, but I can be inspired. Who would have thought it! You're my favorite.
I am with Ashley; I want to duplicate this shot, but I guess I will do it with Cheerios and that's going to not be so colorful.
Great pic!!
Congrats on the win, my fellow Nebraskan! but you are so making t his OMaha girl work hard. Your work is amazing, and I have enjoyed getting to "know" you through macro friday and comments. I would truly love a critque from you. I love to get another photographer's viewpoint.
I am jealous that I didn't come up with this picture first. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Now I am going to go eat some Froot Loops. hehe
I LOVE this shot. This is my first Macro Friday, and I am loving all these great shots. :) The colors in this are awesome. :)
i'm wondering how long it took you to keep them stacked like this...these are the only junky cereal i actually like. awesome shot!
HAHA! LOVE this! So unique and really awesome.
I love this photo - just great !
Centre of Interest photoblog
This is really cute. Very creative.
I love, love, love this picture! Unfortunately, my kids probably eat even worse cereal -- they love Reeses (a/k/a chocolate balls)!
Hope you have a great weekend!
This is a great shot...love the colors and the simplicity of it
Good for you!! Teaching your children all about healthy choices...we grew up the same and I am so thank-ful for the life lesson...
Not saying we didn't get the odd indulgences once in a while but for the most part we ate healthy all the time!!
I really love this one! BEAUTIFUL! Love the composition.....all of it!
Karli, you are a dear. I love your writing and all your photo sharing info. What a community builder you are! I came here from Puur Jane and hope to link to you when I'll be mentioning alternatives to PS, sometime soon. Congrats on your macro win.
Hey Karli, this picture is super! It is great that you are into nutrition! You want to be healthy and have your babies healthy too! Congratulations my friend! have a great day!
Mama Hen
Fun! Great shot!
I love this!! LOVE IT! The focus and composition and everything are just perfect. I love the colors and the whole idea in general! Very creative & great shot!! :)
I love that picture. So creative. And just to make you feel better I recently bought my kids fruit loops too....they actually have fibre in them (at least that is what I tell myself to feel better about the fact that I bought them).
I just stumbled across your blog and your photos are amazing!
I also have had one of those proud Mommy moments when my kids could not identify (sugar) cereal. {So I completely admire that in others of course! :P}
Wow! That is totally awesome! :D
My kids don't eat that either... but, we're gluten-free. ;)
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