The lightning travelled down the tree, blew a hole in the ground and threw dirt from our lawn into the street. It cracked our curb and caused part of the street to sink in.

The lightning caused an underground gas line to rupture, and the smell outside was almost unbearable. We had men walking through out house at midnight taking readings to make sure the gas levels weren't dangerous.

This verse came to mind:
The Lord watches over you; the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm; He will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
I understand that doesn't mean we will never get sick, injured or harmed. That's the reality of the world we live in. But today I'm just thankful for God's hand of protection on my family. ♥ Have a blessed Monday!
Wow, praise the Lord for his watchfulness! I'm glad you're all okay! That's a bit too exciting for me...
Wow that is incredible. Thank goodness you guys are all alright! Wow.
Wow! So glad you are all okay! I know those booms from lightning and they are SCARY...but I don't think I've ever been literally next to one.
But oh my the flowers are lovely.
Wow! So thankful you are safe!
Holy cow! I am so glad you guys are safe and sound. How scary! We had similar lightning over here -- I wonder if it was the same bolt. The weather was so bizarre last night. The kids and I slept through the thunder but Cory said it went on and on and on!
AMEN!!! Praise the Lord for his protection and blessings!!!! This is such an awesome story -- so utterly THANKFUL that you all made it inside (totally GOD right there!) and he kept the gas levels under control!!! Oh, I'm still praising!! :)
That same storm whipped though my folk's town and my town -- here, we just got a bunch of rain... at my folks place, they had 70+mph winds, sideways rain, trees down, electricity lost.... My mom was working and the bldg she was in was protected, but the neighboring bldg got damaged... the bridge to get home was uncrossable... so mom and dad had to take the back-woods way home and thankfully the bridges there were still passable. My mil had a tree go through their front door. :) We'll be helping fix that this week.
hugs and love -- and praising God with you for his LOVE and PROTECTION! (love that verse!!! it's so true -- we live in a fallen world, nothing is perfect, but God is perfect, and he does protect and care for his children!)
okay you officially are the only person I have personally known to have had such a close encounter with lightning and I am so thankful that you are all okay. So sorry for all the damage and leaking gas issues. That would be so scary!!! Praying for all else to resolve smoothly. xoxo
I'm so glad you're okay - the storms this year have been absolutely wild. It started thundering this morning at the office. I literally screamed it was so loud. I know, I'm such a wimp.
This is so very scary Karli...... thank heavens you all are safe and were unharmed by this storm. God was definitely watching over you and your family.
That verse is perfect.....and so very true!
Oh my goodness!!! I am soooo glad y'all are ok!!
HOLY MOLELY Thats crazy!
Oh I'm so glad you guys are ok! We get pretty violet thunderstorms here in the summer time, with excessive lightning and lots of thunder and just that when it's nearby scares me a bit and makes me uncomfortable.
I'm very glad noone was hurt. And be careful with the gas leak!
Whoa! So scary. I am glad that you went inside and that you are all OK, and no one was hurt.
Wow, that is incredible - I'm so thankful for God's protection over you and your family!
Praising God you are all OK! Love the verse too!
Thankful that He is always watching over His children!
Hugs and love! I'm sure you are all tired after that - try to get some rest!
so glad that you all were ok. how scary!!!!
isn't God amazing!!!!!
How terrible, that is my great fear, gas leak... I pray they get it undercontrol!!!
So thankful you all are okay. How scary! Praise God.
Wow, girl! So glad you guys are okay! Can't believe the amount of damage it did. You can't underestimate Mother Nature. Beautiful verse! Very fitting, I would say. Stay safe, my friend!
Karli, Karli, Karli!
All those times I spoke to you yesterday and knew nothing of this! Oh. My. Goodness. How horribly scary!!!! I am so THANKFUL you are all ok!
♥ ♥ ♥
Wow. That was close....to you and your kids, to your house, etc. It is crazy that a bolt of lightening could cause all that damage.
...did you get a picture of it?! ;)
I am so glad God's hand was over you guys. Its crazy when things like that happen, which makes you think HOW can people EVER question if there IS a God?! He is SO good! I am so behind on your posts but this one as I scrolled down I read first and you're so right to give Him the glory! :)
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